Nursery, I know nothing about them, advice appreciated


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I'm not putting Isaac in nursery yet by any means, I am talking about in the future and just because I know nothing basically. Isaac is either with me, OH or his Grandma, he doesn't spend time with anyone else, and so when baby comes in September I was thinking if necessary, it might be a good thing for him and I if he had an afternoon a week somewhere, but I know nothing about how nurserys work, cost, can children go for just 1 afternoon..?

Any advice greatly appreciated :hug:
I think the minimum my nursery does is 1 session (morning/afternoon 3hrs) a week.

Basically the thing to do is start ringing round and getting a feel for the nurseries in your area. There were some I didn't bother considering because of the telephone attitude. Most nurseries will be happy to talk you through your options, probably send you a leaflet which will outline the care provided and the costs and also invite you to have a visit round.

I was very lucky and had such a good gut feeling about the first nursery we went to that we went with them and didn't look anywhere else.

The main thing to look for is people who are keen to ensure that they adapt to you and your baby and they should talk of doing a few trial runs before you start sending your LO there officially.

Lucy's nursery is brilliant, they will cater for any dietary requirements and all they ask you to take is nappies. They completely follow your (and your child's) lead.

Good luck, its not easy sending them to nursery but I can tell you it is 100% the best thing we have ever done for Lucy, she has her own social circle and they have taught and re-affirmed so much that we try to teach her at home.

Oh and if you're not sure about something - bring it up with them. Lucy's nursery isn't perfect but when I've raised an issue they have always taken it on board and learnt from it.

Sorry to over-load you!
Hi RedShoes :wave:

I got a list from a site online and just rang a few to find out more. I also researched online for feedback from other parents and looked at Ofsted reports.

Just by making the phone calls I managed to weed out a few I didn't like the sound of and then I went to visit the shortlisted ones. I asked lots of questions (made up a questionnaire form for both actually :oops: I wanted to be thorough)

Luckily George got offered a place at my first and second choices. So we were able to get the one closest to us which also had the best reports.

My shortlisted two were very similar but the one we chose had a bigger room (and conservatory) for the little ones which I felt wouldn't restrict them so much.

George's nursery doesn't do half day sessions although we can drop him off anytime between 7.30-10 and pick up between 4-6. Each day costs £43.50 at the under 2 stage.

Last week I noticed there was another new Nursery in the school opposite where I live (this is also the school I'd like George to attend). It only takes over 2s so might be something I'll consider when he's older.

Hope this helps.
i looked up nurseries in our local area using a goverment website. I saw 3 and the last one I saw I just loved straightaway.

One was ok and the other a definite no-no. I just got a really good vibe about them. There are only ever 4/5 babies in her group at a time with 2 carers and Holly has her own keyworker.

They have their own chef who cooks meals to order for all the groups and Holly has settled really well. We already have her first painting on the fridge! All we provide is nappies, wipes, creams/teething gels and I take a change of clothes for her.

They do half days here too. We chose the more expensive one of the 3 but its still not that bad, 36 for the day.
I've spent time there too so which really helped

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