am i the only one?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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am I the only person who still has morning sickness? It disapeared for a couple of weeks and its come back with avengence, I can't keep anything down and coupled with a headach that's lasted over a week im feeling very sorry for my self. Xx
Oh rubbish!! Been getting a little nauseous on and off but nothing like that! :hug: x
mine lasted till almost 30 wks withmy second, my friend had morning sickness that went off for a bit then came back full throttle at 20 weeks until she had him
Yup mine came back around the same time as you are now. It then disappeared and has come back again!
my lasted to the whole 9 months with my first 2 hun, but not had it this time around, but i know how awful it can be fx it stops again soon :) xx
I managed to escape it completely but I really hope it eases off for you soon
Mine has started to come back hun. Been sick a few mornings after brushing teeth again and get waves of puke feelings. Not as bad as at the start though, thank god.x
Brushing my teeth has been my nightmare this pregnancy. I still get sick every single time too :(
At least im not the only one :) fx it will ease off again. ISH im the same i feel so sick after brushing my teeth changed tooth paste and that helped a bit but it always make me feel really sick xx
It's the mint, my pregnancy hormones have mutated the taste of mint from nice to vile! I can't have chewing gum any more either.
I dont know what it is because I was really bad and ate a whole box of after eights today (Saw an advert and decided I needed them lol) but tooth paste, mouth wash and chewing gum I can not stand its wierd xx
It's not the brushing with me, its the spitting (bleugh) that sets me off for some reason!x
Nobody ever tells you how bizzar pregnancy is what with wired dreams and issues brushing your teeth. x
I normally spend 10 minutes dry heaving in the morning after brushing my teeth. It's a joyful experience.
For the past week or 2 since being put on Iron tablets I've been feeling dreadful, scared to go out which makes xmas shopping impossible.

Yet to puke for the whole pregnancy though.

*attempting to tapatalk - bare with*
Internet shopping jojo its a god send :D xx

the only downside for me is if my neighbours get the parcels they steal them.

Gonna take my new pushchair out for a test-drive with my mum on Tuesday and do all xmas shopping and wheel it around in it ;)
How very rude, oo have fun I can't wait for my pram to comexx
I'm going to look like a crazy person with a bump and a pushchair but who cares right
It's the mint, my pregnancy hormones have mutated the taste of mint from nice to vile! I can't have chewing gum any more either.

Hi ish try the oral b toothpaste it's not minty at all it tastes of dentists to me but may stop you being sick xx

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