Am I the most selfish person on Earth?

I don't think you are selfish at all hun, I think its a natural feeling.

Hubby and I announced we were getting married and his sis (who I love and adore) then announced she was too 3 months after us ... I was devastated! It ended up causing massive tensions, which we are only just getting over a year later.

Now I'm bloody terrified that she's going to announce she's pregnant, I keep trying to suss out if she's been trying without asking a direct question :shock:

Is only natural that you want your baby to be special, but I guarantee you that once you have your little bundle of joy, you wont care! xx
then hope for her to go into labour early and her have her baby first and then you go over and have baby that way yours wud be youngest and therefore the baby x xx
I would totally feel the same honey if I was in the same situation - talk about stealing your bub's thunder! Maybe it is a little selfish to think that I guess, but we're only human and we can't help wanting things to be a certain way. I mean, most of the people I know have already had kids, so I'll be just another new mum at the end of a long line, so it won't be anything remarkable if you know what I mean. It seems silly to think things like that, but we all want our LO to be the most special. In the end, I guess they will be to us and that's all that matters eh? xxx
I dnt think id be too pleased to be honest hun, like you say this is your first and this is their 2nd.
Id feel like my bubble is burst x
I am glad to know I am not being totally unreasonable!!

OH has tried to put it in perpective for me - when I got my BFP on 1st March we thought we'd lose this bean too and the fact we haven't is something we should celebrate and be thankful for - moaning about my S-I-L "stealing my babies thunder" is not being thankful.

OH was actualy pretty annoyed with my reaction, he thinks I am being selfish and childish!

I spent most of Saturday night and yesterday in tears! A combination of my lappy breaking, my S-I-L pissing on my parade and hormones??

I feel better today and I am happy for my bro and S-I-L.... It will be a good thing once I get my head round it all

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aww bless ya its a natural reaction is all it will all come together and hey baby shopping and baby talk with her n all that hehe xx
my oh's sis is due in 9 weeks, my cousins are due anytime now and in 3 weeks. i think its awesome that my lo will have so many cousins around her age, 2 boys and a girl so i think its grat, they cant steal her thunder as she is so special to me i dont really want to share her or have ppl pestering me about her anyway lol, im totally selfish.
Catnat you're not being selfish or unreasonable, i was in the same sitution last year with my sister, my family knew the problems i'd been having to concieve when i told my mum in feb last year i was expect she was over the moon, a week later my sister announced she was expecting, and my mum was my sister this and that. i felt like my bubble had been brust, sadly we both m/c within a few weeks of each other. then another bomb shell landed my brothers g/f had found out she was expecting the same day i had m/c but decided not to say anything to us. I'm expecting again my sister is expecting again shes due in august, im due in november, so in a way the roles are reversed, but i've talk to my sister about how i felt last year and we've become alittle closer, and its me asking her for advice on little silly things.

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