Breech baby!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2005
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I went to my midwife appointment with my man this morning, l am 35 weeks tomorrow!!....all is well, which is re-assuring but when the midwife felt my belly she told me baby was in the breeched position. She said not to worry (although very hard as l am a worrier) she said baby has got 2 weeks to turn, as this is when my next appointment is. She said if baby is still breeched, then l would have to get an appointment so they can try and move the baby externally! Has anyone had this experience? if so will it hurt? Just that when my midwife was feeling and prodding my belly it felt uncomfortable. Also l am real worried if baby still stays breeched then l would have to have a cesarean section. Ideally l would like a natural birth,..... so am kinda concerned. :(

Fluffy. xx
Hiya, my baby was breech right up until today when I found out she is now head first. (I'm 38 weeks tomorrow). I was panicking like you as today was the big day on finding out if I needed a C Section. I was against the turning of the baby externally, it is a personal choice, and I am not good with pain, midwife explained today that it is a painful procedure, and depending on what way baby is breech they can't always do this anyway. You will get sent for a scan in 2 weeks time just to confirm her exact position if MW still thinks she is breech. Then the decision is up to you.

I was given exercises to do, like go on all fours in the middle of the room (gives baby space to turn) I was sceptical about this and thought that there was no way it was going to work, but hey it did. SO I would say try doing this every night and lying on your left hand side.

I was so stressed about bump being breech, but MW also told me that they can deliver breech baby's that are feet first! :wink:

Try not to worry hun. xx
ahh, thanks for the re-assurance and the tips. Will do those. l mean 2 weeks is still quite a lot of time for baby to move into the right position. Lets just hope it happens, otherwise l will just have to wait and see.

Fluffy. xx :wink:

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