Am I right in thinking....


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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When you make up formula feeds, you must use a fresh kettle of water each time and NOT re-boil water that is in the kettle already (previously boiled).

Please reassure me or put me right! :?
its now routine in our house for hubby to ask if his allowed to boil the kettle lol
Princess_Puddles said:
Yeah thats right hun, it should be done when you're making yourself a cuppa too

:oops: Oh dear, I don't do that... never have done.. so should I empty the remains of the water in the kettle and re-fill with fresh water each time I make tea??

So far I seem to have survived re-boiling water for a cuppa... :D
Beatlesfan said:
Princess_Puddles said:
Yeah thats right hun, it should be done when you're making yourself a cuppa too

:oops: Oh dear, I don't do that... never have done.. so should I empty the remains of the water in the kettle and re-fill with fresh water each time I make tea??

So far I seem to have survived re-boiling water for a cuppa... :D

Yeah you should but don't worry neither do I. Its probably another one of them scientist experiments and they came up with that as the conclusion :think:
Ha ha my hubby and mil used to assk too whther they could boil the kettle as well!

I used to be very regismental about making sure she had fresh water but as shes got older im not as bothrered as I was when she was a teeny baby.
i think its something to do with impuritys bah.. reboileed water for teas never harmed me.. lol.. he would get fresh tho.. nothing but the best for super ted
I would always re-boil if it's for me (saves water :D ). But if I was a bottle feeder I would definitely use fresh each time.

Oh dear! I have never done that! i am just using the water in the kettle just by adding up fresh :?
psssf what a load of tosh!!! (not that I mean to insult anyone...but this appears to be an urban myth...or created at a time when water wasn't as clean or the pots used for boiling contained heavy metals)

Even if what people say is true (yet to find any medical studies on this) that reboiling can leave behind concentrated minerals, limscale, magnesium Floride etc every time you reboil, which harms the baby...anyone whos taken high school chemistry will know that these minerals would be left in the kettle too.... so unless every time you put "fresh" water into the kettle, you made sure that the kettle was cleaned and thoroughly de scaled, it won't make much difference.

They say not to microwave formula too...and theres actual scientific studies done on this proving that it breaks down molucles in the milk. But mothers still do it.

tbh though, I'm more worried about the c*ap pumped into the atmosphere by car exhausts and how my child breaths that in more than adults because pushchairs happen to be closer to exhaust levels, than a possibility of slightly increased mineral deposit ingestion.

I mean if any one can find me a medical/scientific journal to read concerning reboiling water and the scientific studies covering it I'd be really interested to read it and would gladly stand corrected. :D This is the only thing I've found. ... pwater.htm
and it says it cause no health problems unless you have used unclean ground water...I don't think any of us would feed that to our child if we can help it
G3M said:
its now routine in our house for hubby to ask if his allowed to boil the kettle lol

we bought a cheap kettle from tesco and always had a seperate one for the bottles for this reason!! my OH is addicted to tea, would never be allowed to let the blooming water cool!! :lol:

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