Am I doing too much?


Apr 16, 2007
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Hi Girls

I was wondering if you can help me with something. I need some advice on whether I'm doing too much at the moment or whether I'm just looking for an excuse.

Basically the tiredness has hit me. I nap when I come home from work and I'll still sleep for a full 9/10 hours during the night. My problem is that I'm pretty busy. I have 2 jobs (1 full-time, 1 part-time) and I'm currently in the last few months of my Masters degree so that's taking up quite a lot of my time too.

Am I doing too much? I enjoy the extra cash that I earn from my part-time job but I don't really enjoy the job itself. If we were really strict we could manage without the money from the part-time job but it's so handy - especially with our first baby on the way.

I'm tired even writing this on here. I'm willing to give up my part-time job but I don't know if I'm just being pathetic and looking for a reason to ditch a job that I haven't enjoyed for some time?

What do you girls think? I'd really appreciate any thoughts or advice on how much is too much.

Thanks for your help.

Mo x
i feel like that sometimes as well. i have a part-time job which i don't enjoy as much as i used to. It's office work and i sit down all day but i still get extremely tired and weak during even before the end of the shift. i also get tired when i don't do anything and to overcome this i've been 'listening' to the demands of my body (and my baby!), e.g. when i feel week and tired, i drink some fruit juice or have some fruit or something sugary to give myself more energy. I also drink plenty of water so i don't feel dehydrated. also, it's good to move around the office when you're at work. i try to take naps whenever i can, even though i'm busy with uni work. but whenever someone offers you to do something for you, please don't refuse. also don't carry heavy things, don't MAKE yourself tired. only do the bare mininum at this stage, as my pregnant friend was telling me yesterday, the first 3 months are the most sensitive ones, you need to rest whenever your body tells you to, and not make too much effort. i hope this made sense !!! :D
tiredness is a very common symptom im afraid, all i can say is rest when you can, it will get easier! :hug: :hug:

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