Hi everyone am I being a bit too laid back?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Hi everyone, I'm new to this so could do with a bit of advice.

I've known I'm pregnant for the last two weeks but haven't made an appointment with the doctor yet, is this a bit irresponsible? I've recently moved and I need to get a new doctor you see and my mother in law works at the doctors I should be signing up with but I don't want her to find out just yet.

I've been taking the pregnacare tablets daily and being vegan I avoid all the bad stuff like shellfish and cheese anyway. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy about the pregnancy and my husband is so excited he might spontaneously combust at any given moment but I'm really in no rush and it's not like me at all.

I started a job a few months ago but the day after I found out I was pregnant I was offered a better much higher paid job and I'm waiting to accept. They cannot find out I am pregnant otherwise this job offer will mysteriously disappear so I think to save having to lie, I'm pretending in a way that this is not real and waiting to accept the job before I go and sort myself out with a doctor.

My last period was 31st Jan and I think we conceived on the 20th of Feb. My friend tells me that this means I'm 5 weeks gone. Is this right?

At 5 weeks, does it really matter if I leave it another couple of weeks before I see the GP?

Thanks in advance for your help. I don't know who else to ask as only my husband knows our news.
No dont worry, I didnt have a booking in app with the MW until I was 10 weeks and nothing happens before your booking in app anyway - go when you're ready unless you feel like you need to beforehand - congratulations btw! :)
Thanks! That feels really weird, you're the first person to congratulate me! xxx
Its such an exciting and special time, esp when no-one else knows - enjoy that feeling xx
And I'm the 2nd, Congratulations :yay:

Welcome to the forum :)
well congratulations from me to hun xx
good luck with the pregnancy and I hope to hear more as you progress xx
Hi and welcome! Congratulations to you both! With regards to waiting it doesn't matter. I waited 2 weeks till I phoned the doctor but they said the midwife won't see me till 10 weeks and I'm still waiting to hear off them for a date! So there's no rush hun xx
Thanks for all the messages ladies, glad to know I'm not being an irresponsible mum before it's even born!

One thing I did want to ask though, if my last period was 31st Jan, and we conceived on the 20th Feb then I get that this makes me 5 week pregnant.

However, when I'm looking at all of your signatures from pregnology, 5 weeks says my little bean is developing vocal chords and limb buds. Is this right?! in only 3 weeks since conception?! Or should I be looking at a foetal development chart at 3 weeks?

I love all these little facts you see and like to tell the hubby so I want to make sure they're right.

Congrats from me too :) I went to the doctor straight away but needn't have bothered, she didn't even confirm the pregnancy herself, just said that the home kits are so good these days they don't do that anymore. She gave me advice on whay not to eat, told me to take pregnacare and said that I had to wait to hear from the hospital. I got an appointment letter to see my midwife at 10 weeks (under a week to go!) and for my first scan at just over 12 weeks. So I wouldn't worry about waiting a while hun. Enjoy your pregnancy!!!! :)
Just saw your post after mine, this confused me too! They count it from the first day of your last period so technically you aren't actually pregnany for the first 2 weeks. Weird huh! :)
Yeah it is confusing. If your 5 weeks then baby is only really 3 weeks but they do take that into account when estimating what/how baby is developing. They can't always guarentee when you exactly ovulated so they always estimate it from the first day of your last period even though there wasnt a baby growing at that part. So i would go with your 5 weeks hun, it's what the midwifes will go for xx
I went to the doctors straight away but all he did was check my dates then tell me to book an appointment with the midwife when I was around 8 weeks. Nothing was confirmed, although my BP was checked as it's always been a little on the high side. There was actually a sign put up in the waiting room the next time I went saying that if you're just found out that you're pregnant, congratulations, but there's no need to see the doctor and to go to the midwife instead!
Hi congratulations hun! theres no rush at this point. My doctor was the same as some of the others mentioned. justtold me to make an appt withthe midwife by about 10 weeks and thats it! Just enjoy knowing you have this wonderful secret you and yur other half get to share!! :)

Hey congratulations hun!! Enjoy the time when nobody else knows. Before long everyone will be getting involved asking your opinion on names/feeding/routines etc! I didnt get my first midwife appointment till i was 10 weeks. And yes looking at your dates you would be classed as 5 weeks, its amazing how fast they develop isnt it!!

Yeah I can't quite believe how fast it's going!

Just planning with the hubby how we're going to announce it in a few weeks (depending if all progresses OK of course).

We're having a house warming party soon and a friend of mine makes movie trailers for a living. I confided in her, told her my idea and she is overjoyed I've told her but also wants to put a little movie trailer spoof together to announce it to everyone.

I'm just a bit worried that my Mum will be upset that she didn't already know. Ideally I would love everyone to find out all together but she's at that funny age, going through the change and I think she might get upset. She always complains that she is the last to know everything!

How did you guys tell your parents?
Congratuations to you - But I admit I thought she would be 6 weeks and 3 days today, using LMP 31st Jan 2010 on Pregnology and std 28 days cycle, but not taking possble conception day into account

Enjoy your pregnancy, it's a special time
Oooh I'm 6 weeks and 3 days?

Wow this is going fast!
haha, asked them what they would prefer to be called lol!! xxxx

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