Almost when do I test once trying?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2011
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I went to my GP yesterday and he gave me folic acid and I started taking it this morning. He also gave me nicotine patches and a inhaler tthingy to start using soon.
He said there doesn't seem to be any need for me to get a blood test like the other doctor said but I got to ring the original doctor to see if she still wants me to.
I think it is mainly cos of the rubella but I was told yesterday that I had two doses and I might need a third if i havnt had it. He said the health board don't goove them all the records of peoples medical history or jabs and maybe it'll be on my baby records which my mum can't find ATM. She said today I might not have had it tho cos when I was a baby (I'm now 27) it wasn't available and only became available later on as a mumps, german measles and rubella combination jab.
So I'm hoping I don't hafta have it done.
I don't understand though about OPKs. I want to have fun trying at first and not use testing kits. The doctor said even of my periods are irregular snd I don't usr kits they can tell from the time I finish my pill and my first scan how far along I am etc. So that's good. But when I actually start do I know when to test each week or month if I'm having irregular periods?
I don't want to eat as I am now while trying as I might be pregnant and not know inbetween testing. The doc also mentioned eptopic pregnancies or something about coming off the pill...I can't remember. I read a lot about ppl on here using OPKs and getting s lot of Mcs
Blackrose, I'm 27 (nearly 28 - birthday next week yay! :p ) and I got the jab as a routine injection when I was a baby. Unless your local nhs area is/was different, I would imagine you've probably had it.
I couldn't remember and I got the blood test done but right enough I was immune after all.
Ah, thankyou. :) do you think I should just use pregnancy tests every day every week after trying for the first time?
I've been promising myself I'll be good this month, but I went and started testing from 8DPO again. No one's ever likely to get a line before 8DPO.
Last month I tested every day from 8DPO, sometimes 3 times a day! I got 2 bfps on 12DPO, but negatives by 14DPO and miscarried later that day. So in a way it was bad that I tested every day but otherwise I might not have known what had happened.

So in other words, it's up to you, it depends how you feel about it, but I wouldn't recommend doing it every month!
What's dpo?
All I've ever heard (before looking into it) is people get symptoms, taking a preg test, finding out they're pregnant and that's without them even trying for a baby. Its all I know.
I know that there's a strict kinda diet for when you're pregnant so I'm scared that i don't know I'm pregnant after trying and I'm eating or drinking something I shouldn't...then it'll harm the baby or I'll MC.

Also, when you say you MC the day after getting your two BFP's do you mean it was like a fake (eptopic pregnancy...sp?) or is it like you actually lost a child at that point? I don't intend on using ovulation packs and the like...just pregnancy tests.
Well I've had a mc, which was basically a prospective pergnancy that for some reason ended before it developed any further, before that I'd had chemical pregnancies which the doctor said were never destined to be babies as they lacked the hormone required for anything to come of it. It seems a bit tenuous the differences between them, but apparently they happen for different reasons.

DPO is days past ovulation.

As for your diet, just follow a healthy balanced diet, and you may want to take vitamins and supplements designed for ttc.

Avoid alcohol obviously, and then when you get pregnant avoid anything raw or undercooked, and anything unpastuirised or dodgy like blue cheese!

Don't worry, when it comes to that you'll get loads of advice about diet in tri 1 xx
Thankyou. I've just started taking folic acid this morning. The GP didn't mention needing to take anything else. Ive got just over a month left before I stop my pill snd start to try. Woohoo!! :dance: but seeing as I want to try as soon as I come off the pill (most fertile) I wont know when my ovulation is. Plus I'm irregular anyway.
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