When might I get af after coming off pill?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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I know that cycles can be very irregular for awhile and might not get af for ages but when should I expect it might come 21 days after coming off pill or after last day of last bleed?

OH and I arnt actively ttc but where not trying not to either so was wondering when I would be able to test?
When I first came off the pill my cycles were very similar to what they were on the pill (went from 28 days to 30 days) it is only a few months down the line that they are changing a bit (probably due to hormones leaving my system I expect)

That is probably of no help to you in hindsight...

I would wait for a few days and then test if AF hasn't turned up :hug:
hi, mine took ages to start, about 2months! but if your not sure then test.... that can sometimes help you to come on... it did with me anyway!

thanks for replies I have been off pill 28 days today and its 22 days since last bleed today
mine took 6 weeks and then was pretty regular after that x
Took me 60 days for first AF to show, since sep ,y cycles have been 18 -34 days long

:wall: :wall: :wall:
I came off the pill on 20th Jan, got my normal 'pill bleed' on the 26th then 23 days after that (counting from the 1st day of 'pill bleed') I got my 1st AF. Although since then they have been a bit irregular i.e 23 - 33 days.
I cam eoff the pill two months ago and had the usual bleed, it then took 36 days for my first period and I was only on for 4 days :roll:
Thanks for all replies will have to wait and see I guess!

Had abit of a panic earlier OH and I are in the process of selling up and buying a new house and some one told me if I was pregnant mortgage company wouldnt give me a mortgage is that true? :?
Hi all well its now 32 days since the first day of bleed after coming off pill no af as of yet, did a test yesterday and bfn so just wait and see when she turns up I guess!
I have been off the pill for 31 days now and not had Af , and bfn last night! we are in the same boat! :D
The waiting is so annoying isnt it! Im going to wait until next weekend to test again if AF doesnt show before then!

OH said the other night my bbs looked bigger and have been feeling abit sick at times and tired alot but have a cold so that is making me tired and not feel great, Ive had problems recently with my hormones causing sore boobs and things which is why I came off pill so wont really tell by symptoms just have to wait and see! You getting any symptoms?
All the symptoms but they may well be in my head!! :shock:

I dont know what to think as i am now 5 days over?? I was planning on doing the same next weekend.

I am wondering if it is just where we have come off the pill and our body is adjusting?

Good luck hun, keep me posted. :D
Hiya hun, its so frustrating having no idea when af might turn up so if its late or not! I know alot of people who have taken a long time to get af after coming off pill and also quite a few people that had normal cycles pretty much straight away, just a waiting game I guess! :wall:

Let me know how you get on if you test at weekend! :pray:
Gave in and tested this morning bfn! Have you tested again yet?

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