Almost 3 year old (& 4 year old) and night nappies


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2014
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Hi. My daughter will be 3 in September, she has been toilet trained in day time since January. I have her pee at 7pm just before bedtime and then bed, no nappy. Wake her at 10pm for a pee. This doesn't work for her... She is sooo grumpy when I wake her that she point blank refuses to pee. This method works wonderfully with her brother of 4. So now I still take her to pee at 7pm, but then its nappy and bed.

I would like to stop totally with the nappies. But how? Sometimes she remains dry all night and sometimes not. I really don't want her peeing regularly in her bed at night - even though I have a protective sheet down.

As for her brother. He literally just turned 4. He pees at 7pm, bed, no nappy, I wake him at 10pm to pee, he pees and remains dry rest of night.

I would also like to stop waking him. But should I? Again, I don't want the peeing in bed. They hate it and its a pain to be honest. I've read that until age 6, its not considered bed wetting if your child pees in the bed at night as with some kids it can take till age 6 for the connection between bladder and something else - brain maybe - to work properly.

How did you all do it? Thanks xxx
My 3 year old still wets at night but not every eight, I would say less than haft the ime. Have you considered limiting drinks before bed? Obviously you can't stop them drinking but encourage a small amount instead? I don't think you should worry however is you keep putting nappies on it will make it harder for her to understand because with a nappy she is ok to wee at night and that will confuse her.
Hi. My kids have some water at dinner time - 5pm. Thereafter I don't as such offer them anything, but if they want to drink (esp in summer) I let them - but not loads. Hm. Should I continue waking them at 10pm for a pee or stop and just see how it goes? Thanks.
Its up to you hun 3 is still very young. I am just sticking with it and changing the bed when needed however my lo usually wees in the morning not thhe middle of the night. Why not stick with nappies and try again in a month or two? The other option is carry her and put her on the toilet dont give her a choice?
Ja, I pretty much have decided to keep her in night time nappies for another month or 2. She just does not really wake up at 10pm and fights to get off the toilet.
I have a 3 and 4 year old.

They get so grumpy when I try to lift them for a wee.

Almost not needing nappies, but not quite there yet x

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