2 year old & naps


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Just wondering if your 2 year old still has a nap in the day? Abbie is a bit out of routine at the minute because we have been away but we are finding she doesn't get as tired on an evening at her usual bedtime of 7pm. Should I be stopping the naps or limiting them to an hour?
When Sophie was Abbies age, i would only let her have an hour an hour and half at very most, and i also never let her sleep after 3pm it seemed to work for Sophie, :hug:
Braydon is 19.5 months old and still has a 2 hour nap in the day but we will soon start limiting it
Hi im a newbie but thought i would reply! My little boy is 2.5 and stopped having a nap when he turned 2. He goes to bed between 6-7pm and wakes up at 7am - he will occasionally fall asleep in the day if we are out in the car but definetly dosent need a nap. All children are different though so do whatever you feel is best. Kelly x
Lydia sleeps at night between 10 and 12 hours, plus she has one nap during the day of between 1 and 3 hours. Her night sleep is not always continuous though - she often wakes up and asks for milk in the middle of the night.

I'm not too rigid about the amount that she sleeps for her nap. I have to wake her up during the week so that we can take hubby to work, so when she naps I don't wake her up - I let her sleep however long she likes. I figure that she won't sleep more than she needs to, and if she's still sleeping she must need it.

Oh yeh she's almost 20 months old - forgot to say.
i have just stopped Diors naps, she was 2 last month

she used to sleep 7pm- 7am and have a 2 - 3 hr nap in the day 11am-1ish but she is not tired at night anymore, by 5pm she is moaning to go to bed but i keep her awake untill 6.30pm and she sleeps till 8am :)

if hse is really grotty i will let her have 1 hour

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