Potty training-Staying dry at night and outings


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Heya :wave: Potty training my lil Jaycee is going very well at the mo, shes dry all day at home and at families houses and uses her potty and big toilet too. We put a nappy on her for car journeys and outings like shopping, and bedtime. We went for a short 10 min walk down the shops yesterday without a nappy and she stayed dry! :cheer: She'd just had a wee and poo before we left so i guess that helped lol!

Just wondered if anyone has some advice/tricks/etc for keeping bubs dry at night and in car and out shopping. Ive heard of getting them up at night for a wee, and id be happy to try it out, just need a few options! We are starting her at school soon and i want her to be dry for it! And also getting her into a junior bed within the next month or two and i want the many changes to be positive for her, seeing as we will have new baby in May. She likes being the 'big girl' and not the baby anymore which is a great start! Any advice is very welcome! :)
Also we have tried the feel and learn nappies, but they have no effect on her at all!
Many thanks! :hug:
my sister used to leave a potty in brandons room at night so he could use it if needed robbie went to being dry at night striaght away and now 4 yo hes only ever wet the bed twice but i think boys are easier then girls
sorry cant help much more
manda x
Thank you for your reply, ill definitly put one in there i think, because we are planning on using a stairgate by her door when she gets her junior bed. :)
yer thats what my sister done as brandon had a great habit of getting up at 3am to watch tv :shock: :shock: as she was in a flat we dint have to worry about stairs but we put a stairgate on his room and on the kitchen as his other fav thing to do was to get food out found him eating a potato once!!!
manda x
Jayceesmumma said:
Thank you for your reply, ill definitly put one in there i think, because we are planning on using a stairgate by her door when she gets her junior bed. :)

hi mate :)
is she still in a cot?

Dior is and i am dreading taking her to a bed.
Dior has never weed on a potty or loo. but she will have her nappy of in the day and she will moan when she needs to go and brings me a nappy so i put it on her she then fills it :lol:
but i have found if i put just knickers on her or her trousers she seems to think its a nappy and will we. if she has a skirt on wit nothing underneth then she wont wee
robbie would wee on a potty or toilet but wouldnt poop on either if he needed one he would go and get a nappy and get you to put it on him well it got a bit frustrating so we hid the nappys told him there wasnt any so he had to use the potty or toilet and it worked he never used a nappy again
manda x
http://www.boots.com/shop/product_detai ... mRefer=000

we used one of these hun when we went out,they are brilliant you can set it up in seconds and the little bag has like a pad in which absorbs the wee which you then just tie up like a nappy sack and throw away,i used mine anywhere even in the supermarket cause you don't have wee sloshing everywhere which you need to find somewhere to tip away,they are so compact you can put it in your bag,and it's perfect till they have better bladder control so you can find a toilet,good luck sounds like things are going great :D xx
Sorry i havent been getting emails for this post for some reason!!
Its going quite well at the mo, we've been taking her for short walks with no nappy on but she likes to have a wee before we go lol!
Dionne, she's still in her cotbed, and im dreading moving her to a bed! Also Jaycee was exactly the same as Dior, only wees and no poos in potty, she brought me nappys to put on her, but i just told her no and she held it in for a while but then she just couldnt anymore and had to use the potty lol! Everytime she pooed n a potty she cried her eyes out, im nt sure why, she seemed scared or embarrassed about it...i just ave her a sweetie! :) She doesnt have sweets often so when she does a poo on the potty or toilet i give her a couple of sweets! Shes fine with it now! We had an accident today while she was playing with grandad, she had her knickers on and trousers and forgot she had no nappy on so weed everywhere! I think the embarrassment will stop her doing it again so soon! I keep reminding her every 10 mins she hasnt got a nappy on. Its annoying repeating myself, but sometimes they need a reminder when theyre enjoying themselves lol! She tells us when she needs a wee now which is great, and she even told me she done a wee in her nappy at night bless her!
How's Dior getting on with no nappies?
nikki1306 said:

we used one of these hun when we went out,they are brilliant you can set it up in seconds and the little bag has like a pad in which absorbs the wee which you then just tie up like a nappy sack and throw away,i used mine anywhere even in the supermarket cause you don't have wee sloshing everywhere which you need to find somewhere to tip away,they are so compact you can put it in your bag,and it's perfect till they have better bladder control so you can find a toilet,good luck sounds like things are going great :D xx

That looks great hun ill definitly give it a go! Im willing to do anything to make this easier! Id be embarrassed about her weeing in public like shopping tho..but my mum keeps on about it, and how its ok to have them wee in the middle of sainsburys! :oops: I can honestly say i have never ever seen a child use a potty whilst out shopping! if its a regular thing then ill give it a bash!

Also alschafr, she is 2years 6months :)
i am not potty yraining Dior as such as i think she is still a bit young her speech aint great yet and i heard untill their speech is good you shouldnt potty train?
but in the day i leave her for about 2 hours. with no nappy then i pop it on her for her to wee then take it off. just trying to get her used to waiting if she needs to go and not just walking about weeing.
Dior is very shy about poohing and hides behind the door to do it. if she is in her pushchair she will put a blanket over her face :lol:
if she is naked she wont we but if i put tights on her she will.

Dior is not ready to have the bars taken of her cotbed. i tryed her and she thought it was great she just got out of bed all the time and played and trashed her room come down stairs etc.
if she wakes in the morning she will happily play in her cot for a few hours. but with out the bars on she trashes every where .

so i have no intentions of taking them of lol

how old is Jaycee now?
Dior wont be 2 till march think its still a bit early?
Jaycee is 2 and 7 months now. Potty training can happen at any age, they dont need speech they just need to know when they need to go. Jaycee poos in corners still lol, theres a potty in the corner she goes to lol! Must be embarrassing! Sometimes she asks to hold my hands while shes going bless! Im worried about Jaycee getting up too lol, thats why were fitting stairgate on her door! We are putting shelves up for her teddies and her toys are stored so they arent on display..its the fabric drawer set in argos and the shelving type things with fabric covering the front so she cant see toys lol! Hard to explain! Her kitchen is out tho so she might play with that! Ill move that to the front room if she does! :twisted:
If she understands when she needs to go, like you said she brings you a nappy, then she knows she needs the loo, and cant just do it there and then. Thats the start! The earlier the better i think, like if you just leave her nappy off all day while at home she'll get used to it. I think its best to wait for speechwith outings etc, but if u ease her into it now, it should be easier to go full time no nappies later on! We started her on a potty from a few months before 2 i think.. just so she could get used to it. She went every 2 mins bless, but soon learnt to hold it for a while :)

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