All grown up! - First week at senior school for my eldest

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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My little boy has all grown up! look picse was when 3 days old with our first cuddle and as he was on monday aged 11.5 - Rhys started senior school this week! (pic without tie as they got them when they got there! He is loving it and the new freedom it brings, but his lippyness has got worse overnight!:wall2:

It's been a tough week tho, had to buy an alarm clock for him on tuesday as I over slept day 2 and he got a right strop on!

Then we had loads of homework-arghhhhhh

Then today (friday) I asked him to show me his bag he had packed to make sure he had everything, and he got all lippy with me nagging him, so I said right then I will leave it to you then. Meaning in the end , he forgot to take his exersize book in for german, as he only got it in the german lesson yesterday, and so now he starts his seciond week with a 30 min detention after school!!:wall2:

What will I do when anymore of my kids go to senior school too, they will all have different two week rotating timetables and locker keys etc! arghh I thought primary school was bad enougth...

Thank god Devon won't go for years!!


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1st year is always the hardest, they give them soooo much homework it's unreal. It does get easier for them though. I let josh pack his own bags, be on his own back if he forgets something lol luckily he's good at doing his bag.

Something I find really fab is the diary they give them in his school. As well as school rules, interesting facts, timetable and calender it has a homework planner in there. So when he gets homework he has to write it down and put down when it's due by. We then sign and tick to say that he's done it and if he's slipped one by then the teachers write a comment in the box underneath. Bloody brilliant, a sure way of getting them to do it!

What I find annoying though is the cost of everything. He has to have seperate games and pe
kits with logos on as well as everything logo on his normal uniform. Oh and the shoes he goes through and the constant buying of stationary! Never ends...
Ha yes yobado - we brought two full pe kits as they asked us, reversible rudgy shirt, logo sweatshirt, tracky bots, shorts, black footie socks, footie boots, shin pads, etc , and turns out they only have 1x session (double Pe) a week! what a waste of money, and I thought the goverment wanted fit and healthy kids!

They also gave out lockers in alphabetical fashion, so he ended up with a top locker, which he thinks is cool and won't go and ask to change it, he is only just off a booster seat as now measures 134 cm tall and so I can't believe they gave him the top locker of 4 ! he prob can't even see in it!
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Aw he looks so grown up! Bless! x sounds so difficult though! I'm already dreading DD going to high school!

I remember the diary things you get in school I used to forget mine constantly!

By the time the other two get to high school Rhys'll be well used to it so you (should) only have to deal with them starting like you did this week!
Yeah hope so Helen, trouble is Toby will start 2012 and Briony 2013 , so I had better learn the programe this time round to be ready, model mum etc by then!

What year will your daughter start senior school then, is she 7 now? maybee 2015? arghh
aw bless him my dd started a few weeks ago and it kills me how grown up she looks she loving it except for one twat of a bus driver who made her cry she not very streetwise and panicked but all in all so far so good
aw bless him my dd started a few weeks ago and it kills me how grown up she looks she loving it except for one twat of a bus driver who made her cry she not very streetwise and panicked but all in all so far so good

Oh no, what a meanie, he must have seen she was a little newbie :roll:

We only started this week as the whole school was built over the last year from srcatch, and running behind! It will be lovely for him to have such a nice new school but Unfotunately just behind my house , well there is one more row of houses between us but it's the view from my bedroom!

All the cars have been turning and collecting in my road, outside my house
Awwww how smart is he! :) Your going to have problems with this one and the ladies!

Awww bless, I remember this well - DS has now left school and DD is in last year. However I still nag her about has she got everything and of course she huffs and says she has and then gets detention for no pe kit (although as it was cross country I think the forgetfulness may have been on purpose!). Be prepared for the lippiness to reach a crescendo and then it will level out, well that was my experience. Also dont be surprised if the locker key goes missing or even a shoe...I remember DS coming home with just one shoe...don't even ask!

I do wish I could have those days back tho, when I knew where DS was everyday and he could not drive a car or motorbike!!! xxx
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