Stroppy parents at school


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Harrison is back at school tomorrow and he's taking his party invitations as its his birthday on the 18th. We booked a party last week at a brewster bear fun factory and the limit is 25 children, we made a list making sure that all the children who had invited him to their parties were invited and a few other best school friends.

I know that after he has given out his invitations tomorrow when i collect him from school there are going to be some OFF parents with me because i haven't invited their children. What can i do, i've stuck to the limit and at £5.99 a head i wasn't going to invite the whole school.

I know this will happen because with a certain group of parents it happens everytime and most parents make their children invite them, i wont force harrison to invite anyone he doesn't want to, to keep those group of parents from speaking about me, just don't know if i can deal with the pathetic remarks tomorrow afternoon.

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to know if any of you have ever had the same problem, or is it just harrisons school?
lol yeah i know that problem!!! we had a swim party and ended up inviting more than we were going to! but then a few just didnt bother turning up!! dont you just hate that, they all know my number grrr!! xx
id just put up with it if i were you. I have a group of mums at beths school, and theres no way id invite their kids to a party i was paying for just cos theyre bossy dont get on with them, some are on the PTA and are always moaning or gossoping. They do my head in. When we did Beths party, we invited a select few, there were loads that didnt get an invite, but im afraid it was tough! X
OMG that's ridiculous!

Mason invites who HE wants to his parties, I suggest a few names but he always writes the list.
Anyone who gets the hump over a kids party is well out of order I think. Sometimes Mason gets invited to parties, sometimes he doesn't, he went to one yesterday and the party boy had never been invited to one of Masons parties....thats just the way it is, Maybe we'll remember to invite him to the next party if Mason wants him to come, maybe we won''s no big deal round here!
it sounds like there making the party more about them than the children, its pretty pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!
Babylicious said:
Silly people, kids parties aint cheap.

no theyre not!! It cost us a bomb for Beths party...upwards of 200 quid for hall hire and entertainment...and thats before we bought food, presents and decorations! All for 2 hours worth of a party. We wont be doing that for a while now, lol, we said she can have a friend come bowling with us or something for the next birthday, but i cant handle doing a party again :x
Theres a couple i can think of and just by looking at them they put you off your breakfast, right pair of snooty bitches.

Stephens not had a party ever as such becuase he dont have friends - hesbeginning to make buddies now though which is cool - il let you all know whats happening for the big number 4 birthday - Im hoping his speech has improved!
We did Brewsters for katie last year and only invited 18 people, and had the same with miffed parents, but its just tough. My cash my daughter and she can invite who she wants.

Plus PTA parents at katie school are nutters, they only want to come to use it as a social gathering with someone else watcing there kids for a few hours. :roll:
bonny said:
Plus PTA parents at katie school are nutters, :roll:

Same at Beth's school. We call them the PTA bitches, cos theyre like a little gang who think they OWN the school, just cos they do a few fundraising events. Theres one who keeps putting MY name forward fpr volunteering and stuff, just cos she knows i dont have another child at home (yet) silly cow. Se should keep her nose out. Plus they slag off alot of the other parents and even the teachers if they dont fit in with their plans....snotty cows! :puke:
playground politics are a pain in the ass!how on earth some kids turn out normal when the parents act the way they do :rotfl: you should be able to invite who you want to daughters 7th is in march and she will pick who shes inviting and tough to the rest

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