Possible blighted ovum


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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I had another scan today upon the advice of the IVF clinic and although I am 6.2 weeks they couldn't see anything in the sac. I also had my bloods done and they are not as high as they should be (a count of 3000 less than they should be...). I have been warned to face the probability of a blighted ovum and have a scan next week to be sure.
They did say it could be too early for them to see anything so am holding onto that thought but also trying to be realistic. :(
Has anyone had this and then gone on to see a heartbeat at a later scan perhaps???
:hug: :hug:

It could well be possible that it's too early to see anything, I really hope so.

Rest up and take things easy, it must be such a worry for you.

Thinking of you hun. x
Thanks, its just so annoying that once you get pregnant you think phew all the stress is over - and its really just the start. I keep telling myself that what will be will be and just keep myself occupied.
I am so sorry to hear this for you - I know just how awful it is to be in that limbo place - I truely hope that next week all is well :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x
sorry - hope its good news :hug: after all the work ttcing it just isn't fair :hug:
Big hugs for you hun fingers crossed things turn out good

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
got my fingers crossed for you trigger :hug:

I would try not to stress about it too much though, I was 6w2d the first scan i had this time to suss out my bleeding & i was told by the head of sonography when they couldn't see anything that by that stage they expect to see a sac (and often only a sac at that stage), and theyve seen that with you, you just need to keep positive hun - i know its hard though.

don't worry too much about hcg counts, as long as they're doubling (or thereabouts) every 2 days you're on the right track.

thinking of you

. Hi :wave: Just browsing and saw your post and im sorry you are going through this at the moment its an awful awful thing and a tremendous worry for you :hug: :hug:

I dont know if things will be different for you but i had the exact same thing. I went for a scan when i was 7 weeks (or so i thought) and all they could see was a black hole which was just a sac, i was devastated as having suffered a loss before early on :cry: They told me to go back in 2 weeks for another scan to see if anything had grown or to see if it was a blighted ovum. I was absolutely bricking it every second,everyminute and every hour leading up to that appointment bcause i had convinced myself they wouldnt find anything llike what happened before. So i went back at 9 weeks in tears and when the sonographer did the scan there was my little girl thriving and you could see her heartbeating it was magical.

They did some measurements and i was then only 7 weeks at that point so my dates were 2 weeks out and this was the reason they couldnt see anything 2 weeks before at only 5 weeks.

I know there are some lovely ladies out there who dont get the same result as i did, but there also many that do and go on to have there babies.

Please keep positive as things may well work out for you too hun, chin up and let us know how you get on

Wishing you all the best and hope you get the result your looking for :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun, I'm :pray: ing for a positive outcome. I hope it's all fine after all this time TTC. Try and relax a keep positive. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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