Agnus Castus

It's half price at holland and barratts at the moment.
Did we decide it's worth taking if you're regular? I'm 28 days, ov on 14th usually. Would it be worth trying if I don't get my bfp this time? xx
i dont know if it is worthwhile taking if you are regular as it helps to regulate your cycle. i'll google it and find out x
i cant find anything that says you shouldnt take it if you are regular. so im really not sure xx
I was regular at 33 days per cycle (apart from a mental long one) and what it did for me was increase my ewcm. Def recommend it!! xx
Thanks girls, it's something to try if I'm fed up next month xxx
im honestly convinced it worked straight away for me last month! as soon as i started taking it i started getting second lines on my opks!!! then 2 weeks later my period came!! this month my cycle seems to be on track so far!!
U have to start on the day of your period is that right?
Yay, Mine arrived in the post today I can't wait to see if it has a postive effect. Fingers crossed xx
Think I'll be getting some of this! If and when AF turns up :)
Cheers Sunny off to Holland and Barrat later!
I was the same as Sunny & Tiffany - my cycles were 50-58 days long. I took two a day for 14 days and got my BFP that month - cannot rate it highly enough! x
Butting in to say I LOVE Agnus Castus!

We started TTC in December 2010 and had 8 very long cycles. OPK's didn't really work for me and after 8 cycles of BFN's I bought some AC. I took 1 tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening for the 1st 14 days of my cycle and then stopped taking them until my AF arrived. My cycles dropped in length dramatically to a more normal cycle and on cycle 11 so 3 cycles after taking AC we finally got our BFP! Now we're 2 weeks away from meeting our Son (if he comes on time). :)

I thoroughly recommend Agnus Castus to anybody TTC, it defo worked for us! :) x
As alot of you ladies will know, my cycles are between 45 and 100+ days long, if I take AC twice a day for 14 days, without using OV sticks, would that be ok? We don't really want to use OPKs (though the POAS addict in me wants to!) and I don't want to jeopardise anything. This is providing we don't get a darker line on another test though!! Just want to make sure my back up plan gets the all clear! x x
my friend took it for 2 months without a break and found out she was pregnant ..healthy baby arrived i wouldnt worry too much !
Hmm. Think I'll persuade hubby to give the opks another go anyway, I think I'd want to actually see it working! That's the cynic in me! Lots of success stories though so I'm actually quite excited to give it a try if we're definitely not preg this time. x x

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