Agnus Castus and Implant Removal.....Help!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Ok so I have been reading up on agnus castus to help bring on AF after having the implant. I had my implant removed on Friday, I had it in for 2 years and the one before for 3 years. When trying for my son I had the implant and after I had it out it took 3 months to have a period so who knows how long it could take after 5 years. So I guess what I am asking is what have been your experiences with implant removal after a few years and any advice/recommendations with the agnus castus.

** Oh and whay does it say on the packs that you should not take if you are trying to become pregnant??

Thanks xx :wave:
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Can't help with implant removal but I did try agnus castus and personally it didn't help me - I know it's helped others though. I think you're only meant to take it up to ovulation which is why it says that on the packet. X
Hey , I tried it along with dong quai after coming off the depo! I took one angus castus and 4 dong quai a day! Within 3 days I was having cramps and two weeks later I had ovulated ( i got a digi ov test kit ) AF appeared 12-14 days after and it was a proper period too, one light day, two heavy , one light, one off and one spotting! they were exactly like they had been before. Im now a couple of weeks past that and i ovulated 3ish days ago :)
Good luck x
So when should I start taking it? Thats the bit thats confusing me lol. Because I don't know when my AF is due as i haven't had one since march I have no idea where my cycle starts and ends xx
I just bought it and took it straight away, it should bring on af then you can start tracking your cycles :)
Thanks Lulla its just so confusing to me as I have never used it before o_O I did buy OPKS so could use them now to see if i'm OV. But I highly doubt it given how long I have had it in and not had an AF xx
I too had two implants in. Both for over the three years (so hard to get an appointment) i got my AF four weeks to the day after removal and fell pregnant before second AF even arrived! I dont know if the fact it was over the three years made a difference but i never had bleeding or anything during implant being in.

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