Advise please!!!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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I am new to this today, been looking on the internet all morning to try and find some answers.So thought I'd try here.

I have been trying for a while now and my period was due between last thurs and sat? On friday I started cramping and saturday it was really bad with backache. I have been moody and stupid things are upsetting me. I did an internet cheapy test yesterday afternoon and it was negative? I am still getting cramps,just like a normally do before my period.Am so confused as really don't want to get my hopes up. I normally have regular periods always 28 days but the last one was 25 days.

How long do you think I should leave it before I test again?

Thanks xx
I'd buy a first response and try again either today or tomorrow x

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Thank you!

I am so desperate now, just feel like I'm setting myself up for disappointment but at least I'll know.
I would leave it another couple of days before testing the pregnancy hormone doubles in strength everyday. So you'll have more chance of picking it up in a couple of days.

It could be that you ovulated a few days late this cycle which has thrown your cycle out. I've known ladies to test get a negative then test 2 weeks later and get a positive. But it could be af playing tricks on you especially if your stressing/worrying about it.

If you dont get your bfp or af in the next week or so, make yourself an appointment with your gp, he may do a blood test x
I know, I have read that it strengthens daily.

I may go and get a digital one today and try it in a couple of days. Would you sat the digital ones are definately more reliable than the normal tests? maybe the stick tests aren't as good if they're from the internet
Just wish my period would either get here or the test give me a postivie result. Hate being in limbo!!!
It depends on what strength the tests are i think the best test to use in the first repsonse test. Theres a list on the forum somewhere of the best tests to use. I think it at the top of the page in the 'am i pregnant' forum. I'll have a look and link it to you x
Awww Thank you!

I'll let you know how I get on!

Fingers crossed!

Your welcome, fingers crossed for you x x x
Well , I did a clear blue digital test this morning and said not pregnant.

I was spotting such a tiny bit last night. Am so confused as never been this late, probably thinking myself pregnant now and looking for everything :sad:

I know they are 99% accurate but could it be wrong and what should I do if I dont get my af???

When was your af due?

Clearblue arent that sensitive compare to first response so it could be that the pregnancy hormone isn't stronge enough to be picked up yet?

Try not to stress about it hun, if your not pregnant and you stress you could prolong af starting. If she's coming the quicker she shows her face the faster you can get back to ttc.

Good luck hun x x
Aww Thanks...

I m 28 days like clockwork, but last month I was 25 days so if I go 28 days from then af would have been Saturday 5th...( which is when I got really bad cramps so I was expecting it!) I have never ever missed my af?

Its so hard trying not to stress and and also annoying that af is messing me about so much. I had convinced myself last night that I was pregnant and then got that disappointment this morning.

Sitting here now with cramps though, think I'll wait a couple more days and see whats happening.

I had the same problem a few months ago, my cycles vary between 26-30 days and i got to 33 days i was certain i was pregnant, didnt even have any pains. Then the next morning did a hpt and by the afternoon af had reared her ugly head!

It could be that you ovulated later in your cycle? Do you use opks? There worth getting, i ovulate at different times in 1 cycle if ov'd cd11, the next cycle it was cd14 this month cd17!! And i have a 13 luteal phase so i know i'm expecting af round about 22nd.

Much easier to work out when af is due if you use opks!! lol

I would wait a few more days like you said, then test again. I could be now you've wasted money on the text af shows up, its usually the case! lol xx x
I've tried using the opaks, got some of the strips of the internet and they never seem to do anything. Bought the clear blue digital and that seems to work but it gets costly doesn't it!

Maybe I'll have to start using them again!

Like you say, knowing my luck, now I've spent the money af will come and bite me in the butt!!!!

What stage are you at??
I have some cheapies that i use daily from af leaving. When i get closer to when i think i'm gonna ov i test 3-4 times a day, when i see what i think is a positive i back it up with a smilie face opk.

The reason i test with the cheapies so much is because its so easy to miss your surge. I ov'd yesterday some time between 1.30-10pm. I had a smilie face at 1.30 but nothing at 10pm! I have 1 last smilie opk so i'm gonna use that just to double check! I'm a poas addict! lol

So i think i'm about half a day past ovulation! :lol:
Ha a poas addict lol!!!

Thats a really good idea, I never thought of doing that. Might order some more today so i'm all ready as this month has seriously messed me up and i'll never know when to start otherwise!

Fingers crossed for you!

Its such a pain that we have to go through all of this, shame theres not a button we can press!!!

well you will never guess what happened to me. I've just done another smilie opk and saw a big fat smilie face steering up at me!! Another lady has posted about the same thing happening to her, it turns out we may have ovulated twice! So double the chance of getting our bfp! A little shocked and amazed is an understatement!

Just goes to show it well worth being a poas addict!! lol x x
Wohooo you lucky thing!!!

Yeah I read about that on here too, how strange. I love that big fat smiley face!!!

I think i'm going to join your poas club!!!

Good luck!
Thanks hun, fingers crossed i manage to catch 1 of them!

Aww sorry the witch is coming hun. I do hate her, hugs for you :hugs:

Get ya self a whole heap of opks for next cycle, and join the dark side! lol x xx

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