advise please :)


Apr 28, 2011
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about 2 and a half weeks a go me n my partner used the pull out method but i was on my period, my period last around 5 days but this time only lasted 3 with my first day been normal and the next 2 days my bleeding been very light not like me at all,we have regular sex and have only being using the pull out method, weeks down the line am getting lower stomach pains,bloating,white discharge, headaches and sleeping alot could i be pregnant? havent taken the test yet as still havent missed my period.

thanks :)
It's possible because sometimes some sperm leaks out during even if he pulled out. When is your period due? Some tests like First Response can be used about 6 days before your period is due.
my period is due in about a week, i am getting signs but isnt it to early to be getting them? i have had a scares before but never with so many symptoms.

thanks for the help :)
my period is due in about a week, i am getting signs but isnt it to early to be getting them? i have had a scares before but never with so many symptoms.

thanks for the help :)
Everyones different and even months can be different. I had mad strong symptoms last month but BFN and then period turned up a day early grrrrrr. If you can try waiting a few days longer (I always fail at this :)), you've got a better chance of getting a more accurate result then.
why have i never heard of fr digital? i want them lol
ya the fr digital are great... they come 2 in a pack... mine was positive 5 days before my period was due!!
I used the first response but think I used it to early( 10 days to early) so came out negative, but I'll try again after my period is due,thanks for the help :)

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