advice please!! May be in labour

Haha yeah thats sods law isnt it! Try to do lots of walking and walking up and down the stairs. (hard i know with tightenins lol) when do you have to go to hosp? Xx
I havent rung them but i know with 1st its once there every 5mins but 2nd your ment to go in slightly earlier. once they go regular again im gonna phone the hospital and ask them when to come down as they need to clean room for me to come in. Iv gotta go in 1 of 2 rooms as im high risk, dunno what happens if neither of them are available x
Becks I was like this for over 24 hours. Irregular contractions varying in pain. Maybe pop to the hospital to see how your progressing coz once my labour started properly it only took four hours xx
had little odd pains but nothing big for an hour. Just hope it all happens tonight x
Sounds like its definitely happening for you Becks
don't forget to text hun
Best of Luck and don't leave it too long, might be quicker than you expect :)
Haha i dont think my OH would apprechiate having bits of mucusy plug on him although i might try later lol. I just spoke to my sister and she had irregular bareable period pains all day with her 2nd and had him early the next morning! So fingers crossed im gonna be a mummy again by tomorrow morning!! :D Really hope its not a false alarm because i will feel really stupid lol x
I know how you feel Becks! about it maybe being a false alarm
At least youre past your date so Id say your definitely on your way :dance:
I will feel so silly if im still pregnant in Sept!! as that was what i was always expecting
pains every 5-7mins still irregular but VERY painful! Loads more plug gone. x
Sounds v promising! So excited for ya chick xx
Just rung labour ward and they sound really busy and they dont want me up there till my contractions are closer together, there already 5-7mins apart!! There really painful too :( x

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