Advice about ovulation kits?


New Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Just wondered if anyone could shed some light on our situation at the moment.....
I've been doing an ovulation kit in the morning and then approximately 12 hours later in the evening. Yesterday I did one in the morning and the test line came back a lot stronger than it had done the previous evening but still a lot paler than the control line. However, when I did the test last night the test line was very strong, almost as dark as the control line but ever so slightly 'paler'. The only way I can describe it is that the control line was very straight and clear and the test line was a tiny bit blurred at the edges and just fractionally lighter.
The confusing thing is, is that when I tested this morning the test line was very, very pale and it looks like my 'surge' has gone already!

There is another problem to this situation as we found out that my Husband has a low sperm count so it's not like we can just have sex every day...we've done some research and it suggests every other day is probably best. Fortunately we did do it on Saturday night and then last night we decided to try again just in case it was a proper positive result on the opk.

But now I don't know what to we try again tomorrow as we'd planned, or tonight which we've read up might be too much with someone with a low sperm count, or is it too late to try again now?

Help! I thought I understood the opk's but with this new issue we have I'm now really confused! :wall2:

Thanks for your time in reading this and I will appreciate any input or ideas you have.


PS We've been trying for 2 years which is why I'm determined to get this right! :lol:
Hi Bebe, welcome to the forums. :wave:

What ovulation kit were you using? If you've been having sex every other day then I'd keep doing that to be honest cos when you get a positive ovulation test, your egg normally pops 24-36 hours later so you should be fine, especially if you BDed before.

x x
Hi MissJuly,

Thank you for your reply.....I've been using the Boots one and the First Response one.
And yeah, we did it on Saturday night, so 48 hours before this positive test, then last night when I got the result so I think we will try again tomorrow night.

I've even been standing on my head! :roll:

Who'd have thought it would be hard!
I think that sounds fine. I've not used the Boots or FR ones so I can't really comment on the lines you got.

Lol, I definitely didn't think it'd be hard at all. 15 months later, we're still trying.

x x

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