Admit something.

Remembered something this morning...

When I was 10, I felt fed up with things and decided to commit suicide. I looked out the window into the darkness and held my breath... hoping that I would just fall over and die!
5 Seconds into the deed, I remembered a cracking pair or rollerskates that I really wanted. I realised that I would never get them if I was going to kill myself.

Still here today.... never did get the rollerskates! :roll:
Emilia xx

ps. thankfully, my plan to top myself, never returned!! :lol: :lol:
Door bell goes at 8.30am saturday morning. Thought okay its the postman with more ebay stuff lol. Anyway....

Thought hes only ringing the door bell because its probably to big for the letter box. Thought i could open the door, grab whatever it is.. over and done with!

Theres me half naked, t-shirt on no bra, wearing my little PJ shorts... hairs a total mess. Make-up everywhere because I didnt take it off from the night beofre. Opend the door... the bloody postman only wants me to sign for something doesnt he! I uncross my arms to revel lack of bra. My 2 year old zack only decides hes going to wake up at this point and make his way to the front door and starts a full blown convo with the postman about 'thunderbirds' arrgghh then zack looks up at me and says 'mummys looks scary' yeah thanks zack just what I needed! Grabbed the parcels and zack .. slambed the door and locked it!

Serously bright red at this point! ...but you've got to laugh or you'll cry lol

I kinda have a crush on my cousin :oops: (that's probably my most major secret lol - and no I'd never act on it, not even if I weren't married).

My friend and I used to shoplift when I was like 9/10 years old. Not HUGE things but stuff like sweets and makeup and trinket boxes. Although once I stole a board game from Tesco. God only knows how I got away with that one!

I fancy Xena. haha I don't usually go for girls but she is gorgeous lol!
ETA: I've never kissed a girl either.
when i was 13 i started seeing someone a lot older and to meet him i would lie to my folks and say i was meeting friends, then because i had one of those take out braces i would put it in one of the coat pockets hanging in the cupboard before leaving the house then when i came home put it back it again. My mum and dad knew exactly what i was up to :oops:

i fart then if it smells and ben whiffs it i'll blame the cats!

i pick my nose but dont eat it!
I love farting in bed and then if it smells, turn over and waft it towards Andy!! or pull the covers over his head!! :dance: :oops:
michelle82 said:
i pick my nose but dont eat it!

i do eat it :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

kris always catches me and goes mad,
but i cant stop
:oops: :oops: :oops:
I'd rather my OH eat it than me have to peel it off the furniture - ewwwww!!!!!!!!
ToriElla said:
nooooo! why? haha are you addicted? :lol:

hahaha i dont no,its just habbit :oops: , its hassel wiping it some where else
ok this will sound minging but i bite my nails and stick the nail between my teeth and make my gum bleed its so good the pain isnt sore but its just a really weird feeling

sorry but its so good and i know im a
When I was about a year old we were on holiday playing on the beach, I found some dog poo & was just about to have a chomp on it when my Mum knocked it out of my hand, thank the Lord!

I used to eat sand, nice & crunchy :lol:

I once set fire to the tea pot (I was about 2 at the time!)

I killed our Goldfish :( I thought I would help out by giving them a wash so put washing up liquid in their bowl. Mum flushed them down the loo!
tracyM said:
I'd rather my OH eat it than me have to peel it off the furniture - ewwwww!!!!!!!!

Andy does that he sits there and picks his nose then rolls it and flicks it somewhere else!! it's so annoying, when you hoover you can hear all the crusty bogies going up the hoover pipe!! EEEWWWWWW!!!!

I dread to think what he does with the sloppy stringy ones!! :think: :doh:
They leave the sloppy ones where they are until they've set a bit
When I was in labour with my first child, I was throwing up in the kitchen sink, and I felt my waters go. I phoned the hospital, and they told me to go straight down there, which I did only to be told my waters were still intact - it was my bladder which had let go!! :oops:
michelle82 said:
i fart then if it smells and ben whiffs it i'll blame the cats!

Cats do fart and its stinking. Especially if they fart on you. I have had to change a few times.

Im proud of my farts, no one gets credit for them, not even the cat.
my oh is like that but i really hate it when he burps and always has to say bollocks while doing it :?

Im proud of my farts, no one gets credit for them, not even the cat
Burping words is not good. My wee sister trys to burp the alphabet.
Im not a burper, I cant do it unless i have been drinking fizzy juice and even then its a small one.
Cloughie said:
When I was in labour with my first child, I was throwing up in the kitchen sink, and I felt my waters go. I phoned the hospital, and they told me to go straight down there, which I did only to be told my waters were still intact - it was my bladder which had let go!! :oops:

Sounds like something id do lol


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