Admit something.

I haven't kissed a girl either!! Am i missing something good? :wink:
I've never kissed a girl ,not sure I'd want to :?
Wouldn't mind getting arrested, as long as it was for something daft

Stuart got arrested once for assaulting a police officer. He got a speeding ticket but he doesn't drive, doesn't have a license and has never owned a car. He took the letter down to the cop shop to try and sort it out. At first they thought he'd been driving without a license, so were going to do him for that too. He got a bit irate, slammed his fist down on the desk, and a pen flew up and hit the copper in the eye. He ended up spending 4 hours in the cells and got a caution. He still gets in a right strop when it gets mentioned :lol:
I've kissed a girl but it wasn't meant to be a kiss.
We were v.drunk in a bar (on a trip with work) & the whole crew were playing pass the ice cube, it started off passing it to the next person via the mouth & it kept going round when it had melted the last person had to drink, hence it melted when i passed to to the girl next to me, she tried to get stuck in :shock: but I pulled away :lol:
We then played that game but not using the mouth!!!, the whole bar were surrounding us watching, the manager banned us in the end coz it was getting to rude for him :lol:

I've never been arrested ( my parents would kill me if I did)

This thread is class

your all rebels!!!

I once took a 50 quid label off a coat and put a 20 quid one on worked!! :clap:

Ive kissed three girls :shhh:

i got a caution form the police when i was about 11 (not my fault) because my mate stole some stuff from boots and put them in the hood of my coat...the alarms beeped and i had no idea why..i cried like a baby until my mum got to me! :(

I used to bite my toe nails (not recently-until i was about 6 then my mum bought that smelly stuff and put them on my a shock when i put um in my mouth that night!) lol :oops: :oops:

i watch home and away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha come on i know theres more home n away fans out there :dance:
emilia said:
I don't think I qualify for this either. However, when I was 10, my best friend and I use to practice french kissing on each other. :oops:

hahaha you totally DO qualify! :lol: i haven't kissed a girl!

When we were tiny me and my sister used to check up each others bums to see if a baby was coming out :doh: hahaha

we also used to play rock climbing with my brother who is 6years younger than me and we tied dressing gown belts around his waist and lowered him over the banister from the attic :D

i once insisted on dressing myself for nursery and i forgot to put knickers on.

I didn't have a ticket on the metro once cos i couldnt get change from anywhere and the inspectors came on and tried to fine me and i started crying :lol: (i was having a bad day) they let me off with the fine though!!
this thread is sooooooooo funny!

dionne sometimes when you tell us your stories you remind me of myself!!
i used to be a stripper...
i have snogged a couple of girls...
and i find it great fun to fart in the bath!! :lol:

thats enough for starters
hope lucy and jean still want to meet up with me lol
I stole a pair of shoes out of M&S when i was 14 for a man i used to fancy. He sold them to John the video shop owner for £35 and when i asked the man i used to fancy for a cut of the money he got all annoyed and bought me 10 fags and threw them at me as if i should've been very grateful! I was well chuffed with them i'm gutted could've got £35! :x :(
pips said:
this thread is sooooooooo funny!

dionne sometimes when you tell us your stories you remind me of myself!!
i used to be a stripper...
i have snogged a couple of girls...
and i find it great fun to fart in the bath!! :lol:

thats enough for starters
hope lucy and jean still want to meet up with me lol

hahahaha i used to be a lap dancer

and farts always smell worse in the bath :lol:

omg pips i thought you came accros very shy and quiet :shock: :o lol

Do you still do it pips?
And dionne are u still a lap dancer or only for Kris and the girls on a night out hehehehehehe

When i was younger about 14 i rememeber my brother telling me that a girl aged 21 died in the bath trying to smell her own farts was this true as i still believe him :?

Pips sure i still want to meet here u can give me some pointers for my
hahahaha never heard about the girl dying.

nope im not a lap dancer anymore! hahahahaha defo not with this belly of mine oh and my saggy boobs
and there i was sitting here with my fingers crossed u and pips would give me some tips lol
lol dionne and weestar!
i don't do it anymore either... i did it for a year to earn some money before i went back to my studies. and it was in france where it is very different to stripclubs here: i was part of a nighttime animation business which does dance demos(my area of specialisation), gogos, lap, strip, transvestites, etc. i started because i am a dancer... there you go you know my story! :dance:

weestar- i'm a very shy person, which is why i'm discreet on the forum. i don't always dare say all i want to say. but if we meet you will see i am actually quite loud and quite the clown! lol

ok i'll admit to something else... i still sleep with a teddy! :wink:
:oops: ok here goes :oops:

iv been arrested :oops:
i currently have a warrant out for my arrest :oops:
i have had an affair with a married man :oops: who then left his wife for me and i finished it :oops:
when i was a teenager i used to go out shop lifting with my mate and nick everything that werent stuck down :oops:
have taken drugs :oops:
used to take alcohol into school get drunk at lunchtime and go to lessons in the afternoon :oops:
was once so drunk at school my science teacher sent me to the toilets to sort myself out :lol: on my way back to class i came face to face with the headmistress who asked me if i was ok and i started crying and said yer i just found out my nan and cat have died :oops: :lol:
attacked a womans house with mixed up paint and old gone off food while she was on holiday with a mate because she didnt invite my son and my mates girls to her kids birthday party - i was very drunk! :oops:

god i could go on forever but il think il stop now nobody will ever speak to me again :oops:
ah now that ones not actually that bad :lol: coz its not my fault :lol:

its coz i didnt attend court last month coz i was in hospital again :roll: but its for non payment of a tv license when the bloke didnt even come in and just presumed i had a tv and was recieving a picture :roll: yer i have a tv but i cant get a picture coz theer is a pirate radio station above my flat on the roof and the police and council know about it and wont do anything about it :evil: so i have to appeal against it coz i aint paying 200 quid when i dont even get a picture :lol:
ooooooooooooooo pips now i really cant wait to meet now going to get u drink so u will tell all :twisted: lol

Im very shy honestly i am in person :oops: but if and when i have a lil drink i overcome my shyness and prob get on peoples nervs most of the time cos i never shut *hense why i dont drink*

Oh and by the way pips i still have to sleep with the corner of the duvet under my chin before i can even think of falling into the land of nod done it when i was a baby.

Oh and i still have my spotthe dog teddy too since i was a baba although Adele has pinched it for her room :roll: lol

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