Admit something.

A girl in my Primary School used to collect Trolls. She had about 20!! She went to the toilet one day and while she was gone me and my friend buried them all under a tree!! :shock:
She never did find them and to this day she doesn't know it was me and we went to school together until we were 16!! So if you ever read this you'll know who you are and I'm sorry :oops:

I also went to a Peter Andre Concert Sami!! I was 13 so are you sure you wern't about 15 when you went :wink:
Only Joking!!

I also went to 2 BackStreet Boys Concerts but I don't think thats too bad is it? Still quite like them actually :oops: Making a come back I think!! :oops: :dance:
i used to steal sweets from the local corner shop when i was 15. :oops:

i used to pinch my mums cigs when i was 12 nearly 13. she caught me and grounded me for a month and i wasnt allowed to have my 13th birthday party, which i really wanted as i wanted to snog this really fit lad i loved to bits. he is now my fiance :wink:

i snog both my best mate (a girl) and karls best mate (male) everytime we go out on a night with them. :oops: oh knows and doesnt mind :wink: :oops:
I've been arrested too :oops:

I cut off my cousins hair when we were 7. I mean huge chucks of it down to the scalp!

I was suspended from school 5 times. :oops:

I was a Jason Donovan fan!
I'm joining the 'been arrested' club! (twice!!! :oops: )

I went to see Busted in concert when I was 33! And loved it!!! McFly were supporting (before they were famous).

I shot a sparrow with my dads air rifle when I was a kid, and put it in my jewellery box and set fire to it. Then blamed my brother!!!!

I had a party when I was 16 and parents had gone away, and I vomitted pernot and black down my mums brand new full length cream velvet curtains!!! I called the woman who made them the following day and begged her to make some more, and I had to pay her back £10 a week for 6 months. My mum still doesn't know!!!!
lol @ having to pay back £10 a week bet that seemd like
I loved Jason Donovan,

I used to sit with my friend and fanasise about Brian from the backstreet boys knocking on my door and whisking me away!! :oops:

God compared to you lot i am soooo boring!!
tankett said:
I had a party when I was 16 and parents had gone away, and I vomitted pernot and black down my mums brand new full length cream velvet curtains!!! I called the woman who made them the following day and begged her to make some more, and I had to pay her back £10 a week for 6 months. My mum still doesn't know!!!!

Hahaha I love that one!

When I was about 5 I wanted short hair, I had 2 older brothers and was a bit of a tomboy. My mom used to put my hair in bunches and I used to HATE it.
I went upstairs one day and cut ONE of my bunches off with a pair of scissors :lol:
Urchin... you've been arrested..... do you also have a criminal record.... and are you going to tell us what for????? :pray: :pray: :pray:

Emilia xx
Yvonne said:
I loved Jason Donovan,

Arggghhhhhh, my dad took me to Newcastle when I was about 13, we saw a Merc with the number plate J4SON, and I made my dad turn around on the motorway to see if it was him. We followed this car halfway to London, trying to look in through the blacked out windows, before Dad got peed off and turned back. 'Ten Good Reasons' is on the shelf in front of me :oops:

I had a small party when my parents went away when I was 16. I thought I'd done really well covering up stuff until 6 months later, mum had a glass of bacardi and realised it was water, the vodka was water, the whisky was water with vinegar, and the wine was plugged up with plastecine. I still haven't owned up to it - SORRY MUM!!!!
The first band i saw was Bros at Whitley Bay when i was about 12!!
I have never been arrested...nearly though for breaking in to 'Waterspash' (an outdoor pool with slides) after a night out, got cought swimming in my wonderbra and g-string :oops:
I bet you'll all think im the worst mum in the world but.......I went to find my OH in Halfords cos he'd been ages, he looked at me in horror and asked where the hell Charlie was...ooops id left her in the car, totally forgot her!! :shock:
well im shocked at you all lol :shock:
the worst thing i can think of is the first concerts i ever went to were michael jackson when i was about 13 and boy george around about same time :oops: there was only about 200 people at the boy george concert youd think this would have said it all really :oops:
and once when i was about 7 my mum sent me to get staples from town and i dropped them on way home somewhere was too scared to go home without them as she would be mad that i went back to town and stole some more
also stole some penny sweets when i was about 5 from our local garage with my friend the man who owned it came after us and i threw mine under a car my friend got caught and i didnt :oops:

urchin are you ever going to tell us? xxxx
My friends just reminded me of something I blocked from my memory lol

I was meeting my ex boyfriends parents for the first time, they are very erm dont know the word. They hate sex before marriage, alcohol, smoking etc.

I totaly forgot I was meeting them and went into town with my friend, had a pub lunch and a few glasses of wine. (was a little tipsey to say the least) Anyway boyfriend rings up asking if im ready and where to pick me up from. I started to panic... he came to pick me up, asked me if I had been drinking... it was so obvious I had. But I kept saying I hadnt and that I was fine. I was spinning at this point lol. Arrived at his parents, they opened the door and i open my arms wide and give them a big hug and a peck on the cheek and tell them I love them. :oops:

They werent impressed, boyfriend took me home :oops:

Relationship lasted 2 months lol

(Had a HUGE crush on Adam ant - He was nice tho lol)

I have never been to a pop concert

Once turned the tap on in the kitchen sink to wash my hair when i was about 12, went away and forgot about it! came back 5 mins later to the overflowing sink, cleared it all up - parents couldn't understand why all the cupboard below warped! ( i know Lame!)

I had a huge crush on various people at various times including
rowan atkinson, brian conely, my school music teacher (for 2 years!!).

i still have recurring dreams about my school music teacher!! ( i seriously need therapy!)i left that school over 10 years ago!! he was old enough to be my dad! and was already a grandad at that point!

I wanna know what you all got arrested for!!

all mine are vvvv lame! :(
Apart from the New Kids concerts ( I went 3 times too Michelle) also seen the Spice Girls :oops:

Stole loads of penny sweets when I was a kiddie. My friends & I use to play dare alot ( I was about 9 or 10), I've put dog poo into post boxes!! wee'd on peoples door steps? knock on front doors & run away, phone people & say all sorts of things to the person who answered, run off with my mates to a country park, got stuck down an embankment for hours, our parents were going loopy!

As a very drunk 16 yr old, got abandoned by a coach driver on the way home from a beach party about 5 miles from home, the police picked me up & took me home :lol:

I've skinny dipped many times (that's airline cabin crew for you :lol: ) I would tell you all things that i've done on flights but I won't, all i'll say is don't piss off the crew!!

Emilia, you did make me laugh with your farting story. An old friend did that years ago, I was well impressed (he didn't burn his bum tho!!)

HAHAHA you girls are hilarious.
My fav bands years ago wre Hanson and the Spice Girls.
Ive kissed loads of my girl friends and guy friends :oops:
Done somthing, but could never tell you :oops:
Was drunk in whistler at 16 and slept with my bosses cousin, not a slute really .
umm thats all for now i think.
i cried when take that split :oops: oh the shame :shhh:

and ive been caught getting jiggy in public place once got a warning :oops:


i think the worst thing ive ever done was skipped school and hid under the bed for 5 hourse before i got cought :shock: my father went mad and sent me back to school didnt see the point going back at 2pm so i went to the swng park instead (alone cos no one would skip school with
Melanie said:
I've been arrested too :oops:

lol what for???

an u urchin... tell us please???

beanie im shocked i thought you were so prim and proper :lol:

i was a wild child and dont regret any of it. :wink:

always fighting :roll:
got suspended from school so many times.
i accused a teacher of fancying me told the head teaher too :shock:
lol just wanted to get him sacked.
spent the night in hospital getting my stomach pumped.
jumped in the fountain in town in my undies after a night out.
i left kris once for a girl :shock: but then went crawling back :lol:
once me and kris had a row i came home drunk with my friend to his brand new flat and wrote wanker all over his white walls in curry sauce :lol: he through all my stuff out of the top floor balcony so i slept on a bench
omg dionne your such a rebel!!! god bet you cant wait for dior and harley to grow up and do some of that!!!!

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