activity/exercise concerns


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i do an office job so i always think of my life as sedentary, but it isnt really, not on non-work-days anyway!

i spend much of the day chasing round after millie, dressing her, undressing her, feeding her, making her drinks, pushing her out in the pushchair, pushing her on the swings (well not so much now in february brrr!), bending up and down to play or help her with something, carrying her upstairs, lifting her in and out of the bath or the cot or the pushchair, sometimes she struggles as well and she weighs a good 25 pounds and not a scrap of fat on her she is pure muscle LOL she is suprisingly strong! my heart rate is often elevated wrestling with her LOL.

then in the evenings just before i settle down with a cup of tea and PF, i tidy up all her toys which involves A LOT of pottering around (coz they are scattered and strewn all over the place :lol: ) and bending down to pick things up, bending down again to put them in the toy box.

i could really feel the strain in my lower tummy muscles after today! its not to worry about is it? i mean its not like i'm doing high impact sports or bodybuilding LMAO its mundane sort of exercise i'm not the first mum to be pregnant i'm sure others managed it??

i'm just a bit worried obviously coz of the m/c and i'm noticing it coz when i was pregnant with millie of course i wasnt doing all this exercise.

being active isnt dangerous is it? really hope not coz theres nothing i can do about it really!

how much daily activity do y'all do?
I run a shop, so there's lots of lifting and shifting deliveries, unpacking boxes, moving stock, being on my feet all day etc. When I was in tri 1 before xmas, this was our busiest time of the year, and some days I'd be on my feet all day, dealing with three of four big deliveries as well as the usual day to day stuff.

I was concerned at first, but it was no more activity than I'm used to - I think if you started doing 10 mile hikes or powerlifting from no exercise whatsoever, it might not be a great idea, but you're not putting your body through anything it isn't used to, so try not to worry too much :hug:
Aw trixi, I understand why you're worried, but we're all the same - its not like you are lugging boxes about or running for miles. What you are doing is normal day-to-day activity. I ask OH to lift DD in and out of bath/cot/highchair etc if he's home, if not, I've no choice but to do it.

I'd absolutely sit down and rest if you get any pains, but otherwise carry on - you'll do yourself a favour if you keep active in the long run (not that you have any choice with a 20 month old!).

Valentine Xxx
I still carry on martial arts just without the fighting now. Doing stuff you are used to is fine x
All I'd be worried about is lifting properly.
Its so easy to bend over but it's safer to bend from the knees. Just take things a bit easier when you're lifting and carrying and if you feel any pain or discomfort, stop and rest.

They say its safe to continue with excercise in pregnancy, as long as it doesn't cause pain, because if keeps you fitter for the birth.

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