absolutly devestared!!!

I'm so so sorry for your loss hun xxx :hug: but thank you for being brave enough to let the doctors use your angel to help others with research xx
Sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you at this sad time. Rest in peace little one... xxx
I am so sorry you're going through this and I am sorry for your loss. What a beautiful name broody is RIP brody xxx
my heart goes out to you, what you have been through its terrible but remember where ever you are you angels always following you above :) and at night brody and the other babies that didnt get the chance to make it to the world are the brightest stars we can find xx
My hearts breaks for you both. A horrible cruel situation that should never happen to any mum and dad :(
You should be proud of yourselves for letting brody possibly help others in the future. What an amazing thing to do. RIP little one x xx
Hello, brave lady

I say this because, i have been through exactly the same thing in August 2011 and i know how brave you will be to get through this. It was my first preganany and like you I was soooo excited for my 20 week scan. We had been told that everything looked fine on the 12 week scan. At my 20 week scan we where told that there where problems with our baby, with the brain and that there wasnt much fluid around the baby (that part turned out to be wrong) but when we went for the scan with the consultant he seemed to go on and on telling us what as wrong with our little girl. It was heart breaking and words cant explain how you feel given that news. our world fell apart.

I delivered our beautiful girl on Saturday 13th August 2011 and she looked just perfect from the outside, small but perfectly formed, so when you say that you will never know your baby, that isnt true as you have carried your baby for 20 weeks and you will get to meet him or her. cherish that time you have to spend with your baby and know in your heart that even though their soul will be gone that what you did, or where made to do, you did for the right reasons. No mother would want their child to be born to suffer and your life would be filled with suffering too knowing that your child would suffer if it made it into the world alive.

God, im crying here writing this as it brings it all back, but i want to offer my words of support. Im sure that you feel you are the only one who is going through this and that you will never come out the other side or get over it, I felt exactly the same, but please know that things do get easier, you just have to remember that you are doing the right thing for your unborn baby. I still have days where i get upset and cry about my baby girl, initially i couldnt function for weeks, it was as if i existed in a bubble but over time with good friends and family and a fantastic boyfriend i managed to get myself out of the dark hole. I dont know if the father is involved but if he is, remember that it is a loss to him too, I know that we not only have the emotional to deal with but the physical too but try not to push anyone away, least not your partner, The baby was part of him too.

The hospital was fantastic with us and we had a cremtion service for our daughter, thankfully we got her ashes back and i have a little cabinet which is like shrine to her fille with lovely momeno's and things, I have a lovely box enscribed with her name and DOB fill with her blanket that we wrapped her in and all the cards and well wishes we got from people, I have her picture in a frame in my living room and I had her footprint tattoo'd onto my wrist, I have the Left foot and my partner has the right foot on his wrist. Do whatever you need to to validate that your baby was alive and shouldnt ever be forgotten, and take pride in the fact that you carried your baby for 20 weeks against all the odds!!! he or she was a little fighter but it was a fight that they could never win.

as iv said, no one can take the pain away but now that you are not alone. I am here if ever you need to talk and my heart truely goes out to you

All my love and hugs to you at this horrible time

AngelD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just noticed that there where 4 pages of replies, i only got to the 1st page before i felt compelled to post a reply. Bless little Angel Brody and i hope you are doing ok, very raw still i know but the offer is still there, im here if you need to talk. I hope my story gives you some comfort xxxxx
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Hello, brave lady

I say this because, i have been through exactly the same thing in August 2011 and i know how brave you will be to get through this. It was my first preganany and like you I was soooo excited for my 20 week scan. We had been told that everything looked fine on the 12 week scan. At my 20 week scan we where told that there where problems with our baby, with the brain and that there wasnt much fluid around the baby (that part turned out to be wrong) but when we went for the scan with the consultant he seemed to go on and on telling us what as wrong with our little girl. It was heart breaking and words cant explain how you feel given that news. our world fell apart.

I delivered our beautiful girl on Saturday 13th August 2011 and she looked just perfect from the outside, small but perfectly formed, so when you say that you will never know your baby, that isnt true as you have carried your baby for 20 weeks and you will get to meet him or her. cherish that time you have to spend with your baby and know in your heart that even though their soul will be gone that what you did, or where made to do, you did for the right reasons. No mother would want their child to be born to suffer and your life would be filled with suffering too knowing that your child would suffer if it made it into the world alive.

God, im crying here writing this as it brings it all back, but i want to offer my words of support. Im sure that you feel you are the only one who is going through this and that you will never come out the other side or get over it, I felt exactly the same, but please know that things do get easier, you just have to remember that you are doing the right thing for your unborn baby. I still have days where i get upset and cry about my baby girl, initially i couldnt function for weeks, it was as if i existed in a bubble but over time with good friends and family and a fantastic boyfriend i managed to get myself out of the dark hole. I dont know if the father is involved but if he is, remember that it is a loss to him too, I know that we not only have the emotional to deal with but the physical too but try not to push anyone away, least not your partner, The baby was part of him too.

The hospital was fantastic with us and we had a cremtion service for our daughter, thankfully we got her ashes back and i have a little cabinet which is like shrine to her fille with lovely momeno's and things, I have a lovely box enscribed with her name and DOB fill with her blanket that we wrapped her in and all the cards and well wishes we got from people, I have her picture in a frame in my living room and I had her footprint tattoo'd onto my wrist, I have the Left foot and my partner has the right foot on his wrist. Do whatever you need to to validate that your baby was alive and shouldnt ever be forgotten, and take pride in the fact that you carried your baby for 20 weeks against all the odds!!! he or she was a little fighter but it was a fight that they could never win.

as iv said, no one can take the pain away but now that you are not alone. I am here if ever you need to talk and my heart truely goes out to you

All my love and hugs to you at this horrible time

AngelD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just noticed that there where 4 pages of replies, i only got to the 1st page before i felt compelled to post a reply. Bless little Angel Brody and i hope you are doing ok, very raw still i know but the offer is still there, im here if you need to talk. I hope my story gives you some comfort xxxxx

Thankyou for sharing ur story with me everything u have sed is rxcatly how i feel me and my biyfriend spoke about gettin brody cremated and we wanted the ashed bak to keep but have been tokd that we r no alot so we are now talkong about a brody being burried it still hurts soo much to no that my baby is gone i would di anything to bring brody bak, at the moment we r both just dealin with each day as it come and we have our little rylee keeping us on iur toes but the last week ir so just seems like a massove blur xxxx
Thats all you can do, take each day as it comes. some days will be easier than others, at least you have your other baby which must be of great comfort to you, keeping your mind busy. as i said it was my first baby so i had nothing to keep my mind off things. The night before we went in to deliver our baby, we went and bought a kitten as i didnt want to go home to an empty house.....it did help a little but nothing can replace the loss of a child.
just try to keep your head in all this, allow yourself to be sad, angry, scream if you need to and allow yourself to smile and remember your beautiful Brody, at least you got to see him and im sure he will be with you always and if he could thank you for saving him from a life of suffering then im sure he would. Bless you all, I'll light a candle tonight for little Brody tonight. Ill ask my baby girl Dahlia to look out for him and play with him until its your time to be with him again xxx
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Aw hun, I've just noticed this thread. I'm so sorry to hear of your tragedy. I can't imagine how hard it would be to deal with this. Thoughts are with you.xxx
Thankyou for all your kind wishes it reli does mean soo much knowing that soo many people care :) xxx
I am breaking my heart reading these - I am so sorry for your losses - so so sad. That was so thoughtful helping others with research etc as you say even if one person is helped - so sorry to hear of your loss xxx
this is truly heartbreaking i am so so sorry for your loss, xxxxx
Cant belive its been a month already its gone so fast i miss Brody more and more each day i long to be pregnant again with my baby i woould do anything, we had the funeral yesterday and i managed to read a poem which i was proud of, but seeing such a tiny coffin just wasnt right, i would not wish that on anyone :( thats four angel babies and four tiny little coffins in my family now :( still waiting for the post mortum results but hopefully wont be much longer. Sorry bout the depressing comment just yesterday was soo hard i just felt i needed to talk to soneone :( xxxxx
So sorry to read that you have to go through this :(

My thoughts are with you & your family xxxxxxxxx
hi darling....your story is heartbreaking but u are such a strong lady.pls dont apologise for being depressing u have been through hell and we.are here to listen.
my heart goes out to u xxxx
Oh I am so sorry for your loss. It's so unfair the world can be such a cruel place. I can't begin to imagine how you feel or how you got through yesterday. RIP little one xxx
Why is it u are having an oki day and then u see something and it just completly ruins it, one of my old bestfriend has just had her baby who is healthly and i no for a fact she drank smoked and took drugs the whole way through her pregnancy and has a healthly baby and then there is people on here including myself that are tryin so hard for a baby or have angel babys that do everything right that dont get ehat they want soo badly. I just seen that she had had tge baby and it felt like my heart had just been ripped out torn in half and thrown bak at me. And to top it off ive gotta to to the mil tomorro were my neice is gonna be there who is two day older tgan my brody. Rant over. Sorry xxxx

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