absolutly devestared!!!

on a good note got a fone call from the hospital yesterday to say they had all tge results from Brodys post mortun so got an appointment on thursday with my consultant xxx
Hi lovely. Its awful when things like that happen but sadly it does. I would have days where id think i was ok then the next minute id be a gibbering mess. you just have to go with the flow ad allow yourself to feel what ever it is your feeling at the time. The feelings will pass but it is an emotional rollar coaster for a long time. Stay strong and rant as much as you like on here, thats what its here for and there will always be support from me and the other ladies on here.

Good news that the PM results are in. Let me know what they say xxxxx
hi hun well sadly drinking.and taking drugs makes her not a very nice person and her morals suck in my eyes.what kind of stsrt will rhat baby have...? ....i cant begin to imagine how u feel but know that u only ever did your best and u will do again in time.god had his plans for brody which breaks my heart for u .....

do u have to go to your mil...frankly do what is right for u.be selfish because u need time to heal.

sending u all my love.hunny xxxx
Well had the reaults from the poat mortum today and found out the we had a little princess basically everything that was picked up on the scan was correct apart from she had two kidneys insted of one but the were so small and onli one could be seen and, and wr thought she may have had one or two extra chomasones but she didnt she had a whole extra set so insted of having 2 sets of 23 (46) she had 3 set which means she had 69, but at least we now have answers and we no that is not heredidtry and that its not likly to happen again i miss her more than anything but i no that she is now in a better place. She will always be my angel princess and my little prince ia here with us, i no she will be watchinh us and with us :) xxxx
Bless you. You've been extraordinarily brave and you've done your little princess proud.
Huge hugs from me xx
so sorry, devastated for you.
what a terrible thing to go through xxxxx
Well had the reaults from the poat mortum today and found out the we had a little princess basically everything that was picked up on the scan was correct apart from she had two kidneys insted of one but the were so small and onli one could be seen and, and wr thought she may have had one or two extra chomasones but she didnt she had a whole extra set so insted of having 2 sets of 23 (46) she had 3 set which means she had 69, but at least we now have answers and we no that is not heredidtry and that its not likly to happen again i miss her more than anything but i no that she is now in a better place. She will always be my angel princess and my little prince ia here with us, i no she will be watchinh us and with us :) xxxx

Awww thats exactly what happened to Dahlia. Bless our two little angels. Big hugs from me xxxxxx
soo sorry for your loss, really devastating reading everything xx
Devastating and it's so heart breaking reading these stories and seeing what these poor people have to go through life can be cruel at times and it always seems to rain in the people who really deserve the sun I'm sure u will always keep your little angel close to ur heart take care xxx
Thanks for all the comments it reli does meanalot i think about my little angel all the time sometime ot makes me rli sad knowing that she isnt here but sometimes it makes me smile knowing that she isnt in pain and that i got to meet her and say goodbye properly i love her soo much but i no that she is always with me :) xxxx
Cant imagine how you muat be feeling, so so sorry chick. Do continue to visit the site, the ladies on here are lovely and will help you through it, they did me when i mc in april xx
I've just read this whole thread and cried. I'm so sorry for you loss, I cant imagine what its like or what you have been thru :hugs:


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