Absolutely fuming


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
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My oh has said she is looking forward to our yearly holiday more than our twelve week scan the week before.
Is this just me? I couldn't give a flying rats arse about the holiday at the minute, all I care about is checking my baby is okay again and telling work and family as it's been really hard work for me.
She is failing to see this and i'm hurt.
Maybe i'm being over-dramatic, I know she wants to go away but all I care about is my baby being okay. Maybe its because she has reassurance from early scan!?
Grr. Xx
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Partners are a royal pain in the arse sometimes!! My husband told me that the baby won't be 'real' for him until its out because right now it has nothing to do with him.

I was so mad!! I mean I kinda think k know what he was trying to say but grr!!

I feel your pain!
Glad it's not just me. I said god I can't wait to tell my mum! She just said well why? I was like because it's been hard on me don't you understand. X
Oh dear I too would be upset by that comment, however saying that our hormones at the moment are crazy, I got angry over a very trivial thing last week lol
I do think its different for us being the person carrying the child... They don't fully get it from what i can gather

I have to ask- you've said she every time? I presume your a lesbian based on that? If so how did you decide who carried?

My friends are trying to agree who will carry at the moment... Seems a touchy subject and I often get stuck in the middle
I'm in a civil partnership yes.
My oh already has a son and has already carried, I haven't so it seemed perfect :) I feel for your friends in that predicament x
I'm in a civil partnership yes.
My oh already has a son and has already carried, I haven't so it seemed perfect :) I feel for your friends in that predicament x
Sophie I'm sure your o/h and mine are related lol I said if he wants he can tell his mum as my close family knows and he's like.... I can tell her whenever, I have another 7 monthS. It's like.... Grre!

He wasn't worried when I had the bleeding or my scan like he's not connected because he'd not carrying it.
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See, my OH was stressing alot when I was bleeding. She just said she still feels reassured from first scan and she 'knows' it's healthy. Maybe I took it the wrong way.
I can not wait for my scan next wk im so worried and dont care about anything but whether the baby is ok. My hubby is concerned too but they do not get it the way we do i think wen you are doing the carrying its so much more resposiability i just cant wait to know.

Michelle. x
Maybe you did. Mine is just an ass sometimes - he said he wasn't worrying because it wasn't much blood and j wasn't in pain and all my tests were fine so he knew it was fine.
Yea sorry- my friends prefer the bold word rather than the politically correct way- I always land my foot in it :(

Ahh I see- that does make sense then - yea I'm not so sure they even know themselves - the ages are 25 and 34 so I think my friend who's 24 is in the lead for fertility reasons at the moment- I'm sure they will sort something out- hopefully soon so my bean has a play mate :lol:

I'm sure out OH will come round a lot more when we start showing etc- my hubby says its still surreal even after scan- because he can't feel or see any differences apart from my boobs have got bigger
My hormones are that crazy, makes me feel like i'm creating problems in my head lol x
I'm just a snappy cow - and I seem to be enjoying sarcastic come backs at the moment :lol:
I would be annoyed too but I definitely agree about hormones being everywhere. My mum says I've been awful the past few weeks she really urritates me. My soon to be ex partner irritates me but he needs to grow up. Everyone and everything at the moment x
I can totally understand why you are upset. I had an early scan due to bleeding but we both couldn't wait until we had our 12 week scan so we could relax (a little). My husband carries both scan pictures in his wallet. I'm sure your partner didn't mean to upset you. You probably are more sensitive than normal with your hormones as well. I hope she realises that she has been insensitive and that yous sort it out xxxx
That's just oh for you Hun they don't seem to think sometimes when I was on hol my oh said to me maybe it was a blessing in disguise you had ur mc as you wouldn't have been able to enjoy our holiday like u have as we booked the hol ages ago before I got pg I was fuming I said I'd rather never go on hol again and had a healthy pg he then said I didn't mean it like that I said we'll just think before you open your bloody mouth!! Xxx
Hope you had a lovely time hun :)
They just don't think do they! X
Hope you had a lovely time hun :)
They just don't think do they! X
my partner is the same not really real yet i think that we wasnt planning an already have 5 between us our daughter being the youngest at18 months was a shock...hoping he will get excited before he holds him or her...i am the same atm wont get excited try not to plan ahead so scared of something being wrong ..XXX

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