A question for ladies that have had an elective c-section


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2013
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Hi ladies,

I was just wondering if anyone who has had an elective c-section can answer this for me.

I'm debating whether to go elective or vbac after quite a traumatic birth with dd that ended in emergency c-section.

The one thing that plays on my mind with elective is when I was in hospital with dd a lady came on the ward for an elective, went down and came back up looking like she was completely off her head and not with it at all. She hadn't had a general and I'd assumed they would just give you a spinal but do they give you a sedative as well?

I found out my best friend's older sister had an emergency with first and elective with second and she said, 'when I came around enough to hold him' but I don't know her very well so dont feel I can bring it up again but also want to know what she meant.

Help please? xx
I was given morphine while being operated on but I wasn't out of it at all.......I just had a spinal. Hope that helps x
I had an emergency c-section with my first and an elective with my second. It's a completely different experience. More relaxing for a start. I only had a spinal so wasn't out of it at all and able to hold my son just moments after he was born. I also breastfed him as soon as we were out of theatre x
Thanks ladies, I asked midwife today and she said it could just be that the morphine knocked her out more than most so your answers are really helpful. Thanks xx
I was fine too! Could be that she was given something to relax her nerves or something x
I wasn't out of it at all for my elctive. Spinal and morphine for me. Although I did feel pretty sick. Maybe she was just a little woozy from the drugs. People react differently. Talk it over at your pre op. They can use different opiates. Xx

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