A Huge question


New Member
Feb 13, 2005
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Hi! I'm new to this site, and new to the idea of being a mom. I am 18 years old and in a steady relationship. I usally have my period every 18 days (horrible right!) and I had my last period 32 days ago took a pregnancy test and it came back that I wasn't pregnant. I have been told that it could mean that the baby is developing in a different area besides the uterus. What are the chances of me just having a skipped period or being pregnant? I need help on this so if you have any suggestions please inform me! Thank you BUNCHES!!
Have you been stressed recently, bacuase that can cause you to skip a period, so can a change in diet, or sometimes it just happens! As the test was negavive at 32 days i think that was probably right, becuase it should be able to detect the hormone by now. If you are still unsure why dont you test again? Or make an appointment with the doctor for a blood test. I think if it was an eptopic pregnancy that the test would still be positive, becuase there is still a baby growing there and producing the hormones that a pregnancy test detects.
Hope this helps
If you have a period every 18 days then you can quite easily miss a period because they are quite early. Maybe your body is trying to kick itself into shape so you will have a 'normal' period.
maybe you should go to the doctor and get a blood test, that will tell u for sure. by the way i just joined, so its probably too late for all this.. :p

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