17 and confused


New Member
May 2, 2005
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Hey everyone, I'm questioning whether or not i could be pregnant and i'd love some advice. I had intercourse (for the first time) on April 1st. I was actually on my 2nd day of my period and my partner had a condom on in the beginning, but then took it off and withdrew before he ejaculated. My period came on April 23rd, (which was 5 days before it was supposed to- im normally a little early though) but my period was completely irregular. It was a little heavy for the first two days, and then only a little from then on for about 2 more days. Also it was brownish. A few days before i got what i thought was my 'period' I noticed an eating change. I was eating so much more than i normally would. I had also noticed a signigicant weight change, my stomach seemed a lot larger than usual and is still this way now. I started having symptoms as well, occasional dizzyness, weird pains in my stomach-kind of like fluttering with a little cramping, frequent trips to the bathroom (im peeing almost once every hour) and occasional nasuea (haven't actually vomitted).
I went to Planned Parenthood and took a urine test and it came back negative, the nurse told me that it would not show unless i had missed a period. I have been researching online and have come across many stories where woman have had their period for several months during pregnancy, some not even knowing they were pregnant because they thought the bleeding was their period. One woman had what she thought was her period for 5 or 6 months of her pregnancy and was coming on negative for pregnancy tests inthe 3rd and 4th month.
Even though my test was negative, im still not completely certain that im not pregnant. After researching and finding out that many woman do bleed like their period during pregnancy, im scared that i may be pregnant.
My questions are, would it have been too early to show in the pregnancy test even though it was exactly a month since i had intercourse? Should i wait and see how my next period is or try taking more tests? Does it seem like im just freaking out or it is actually likely that i could still be pregnant?
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and i would really appreciate any advice. I dont know what to make of all of this :/ Thanks again!
I'm pretty sure you can't get pregnant during your period, but I could be wrong. Usually you get pregnant when you are ovulating, which is about 14 days after day 1 of your period (on average). Sperm can live in you for a few days after intercourse, and not ejaculating in you will not prevent sperm from entering you because there is sperm in pre-ejaculatory fluid.

If you don't want to get pregnant, you should make sure the condom is kept on until the end, because using it only at first is just as good as not using anything at all.
The symptoms you are having could mean a lot of diffrent things. If from diabetes to fear of pregnancy. Just concentrate on something diffrent for a while like school or work and if they don't go away then make an appointment with a dr.
You can become bloted and put on wight while on you period also your eating habbits can happen due to how you feel and because you might be comfort eating while on your period but if your still worried you should get a pregnancy test
See thats the thing that scares me..i usually dont feel bloated at all when im on my period, and if i do its just a little bit. The noticeable difference in my stomach is more than just a little bloating...and i've been off what i think was my period for about 10 11 days now and the weight change is still there. I'm still having appetite changes, and still peeing frequently. Still have weird feelings in my stomach a lot as well. Dont know what to think! Should get my next period in about 10-14 more days so i guess i'll see what happens then..if i can wait that long! Thanks for the replies!

*By the way i saw your signature..if you need to talk about anything..let me know! im 17 as well..although i may not actually be pregnant im still here if you need to talk or have questions!*

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