A chemical?

I had no pain to start with at all and what I had when full flow was maybe a bit more heavy and painful than my usual a/f but nothing too bad Hun x
Hi Sophie, sorry to hear you're news, but don't think the worst just yet, might be spotting, breakthrough bleed etc. fingers crossed for you x
it could well be a breakthrough bleed hun, my sister and mum got it at the time their period was due. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you :) x
So sorry sophie , im really hoping this is not happening for you xx

I had a positive test at 3 plus 6 and then two days later tested again at 4 plus 1 and the line was half as strong , at 4 plus 3 it was half as strong again , oh couldn't see it , i still could just. At 4 plus 5 i mc. It was much heavier than my normal period and full of large clots. , i was really surprised how different after just a few days , it lasted till cd11 sobmade me ov two days later, so do use opks next cycle. I did get it on record just incase i had a few.
I think mine was more chemical than mc as i had no symptoms , no cramping for implantation, i really was certain i was out till af didnt arrive, unlike my last bfp the mth later which felt very diff from 3 weeks.
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I have cramping a little bit andminimal discharge this morning x
I hope it isn't a chemical hon, have you taken another test? X
Hey hun,
This happened to me last month, i started spotting about 4days before period due and thought it could be implantation so did a test and got a positive. The bleeding persisted and got heavier so i did a test for the next few days and it was getting lighter and lighter.

It was a few days longer and heavier than my normal period. It's horrible going from such a high to so low in a few days, hope you're ok xxx
Spotting has disappeared...not taken another test. Also got a doctors appointment this afternoon xx
It may have been a breakthrough bleed hon but praying for you that all is well and let us know what the doctor says x
when i had a chemical - I had spotting 10dpo with negative test, then spotting stopped 11dpo so thought it was like implantation bleeding - got a + on Frer and tesco own that day - but woke up next morning and temp went lower and started heavily bleeding red! and tests lighter than previous day and then negative 2 days after that.

My GP wouldn't confirm it as chemical nor count it as a mc - and said you can't get a positive test one day and your period the next!!!!! and put it down to a dodgy test (or 2!)

I hope your not going through a chemical pregnancy, your gp will probably do a urine test and also maybe take blood to see what your hcg levels are doing.
Thinking of u. Good luck whatever happens in the next few days.

Iwant3- your doc sounds even worse than mine! God that makes me so angry. You should've told him to do his homework before making mad statements like that.
That sounds shit i want3. I really don't want to be fobbed off. X
Sorry to hear this Sophie. I've got my fingers crossed for you! xxx
Got fobbed off. Negative hpt. Water infection too. Said she is asking superiors for blood request as she doesn't think I need it, she basically wants me to go back x
Aw Sophie, at least she's asking about the blood tests but you want them asap in that situation don't u.I dont think you can understand the need for blood tests when something like that happens unless you've been through it- it should be done for the womans sanity if they've been ttc and request them. It's so traumatising fighting for answers after going through that.
Thank you hunnie. Cramps coming now so pretty sure af will be here soon. Temp still not dropped though x
I'm sorry this is happening to you babe, I'm hoping cramps are normal and it's isn't your af x
Thanks babe. Af is messing me around now keeps coming and going x

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