8 week scan


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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im thinking about booking a private scan at 8 weeks. what do u guys think? i was gutted i didnt get to see a scan of bean (mc on the morning on the day of my scan) so i was thinking about booking a scan to make sure its all ok and viable etc and also cuz i cant bare to wait til 12 weeks to see my lil peanut. do u think its worth it or a waste of money?
How much is a private scan? I am asking for my friend who is almost 10 weeks pregnant and never had any sort of examination or blood test or anything so far. First she was told she will have a scan at 10 weeks, but now her first one is 20 weeks :shock: . Does the price differ?
if it puts your mind at ease then id go for it.
will they not give you a reassurance scan on the nhs?
i never got a scan on the nhs :( untill my 12 week scan we were gonig to have a private one but it was too far to travel and was too expencive, i would deffo have a private scan if we could afford it and could of got there, where do you live? here it's about £200 ish sometimes less sometimes more :x

i hope you go for it but i'd also recomend from about 11 weeks to get a doppler al;though it's not garanteed you'll hear the hb if you do find it like us then you'll find it so rewarding (we did) hope your ok and REMEMBER (like i say alot lol) it's a different spermie and a different eggie and it's a totaly different pregnancy, try to be positive :hug: :hug:
I'm not going to get one, just going to wait for the 12 week one.
This time I just want to be left alone as much as possible and let nature do its thing.
I have had 4 scans before 8 week on NHS and they have been brilliant. Twice was anxiety as had no symptoms (first PG) and last 2 was because of bleeding.

Just say you are anxious becasue of prev MC and most EPUs would do it.
I had 3 scans on NHS before 12 week due to pains. Last one at 8 weeks.

Heres what I saw....


I bought an angel sounds doppler and could hear the heartbeat from 9/10 weeks and its been amazingly reasuring :)

Try speaking to your DR, the NHS have been amazing for us!!

Good luck xx
I'd ask your dr to refer you to the early preg unit for one. I've had loads in my last (successful :cheer: ) pregnancy and one so far in this one. I'll be asking for another at 10 weeks too :D

They're pretty tight though, you don't normally get if you don't ask!

Ive had pain in this pregnancy, first at 5 weeks where I had an internal scan and all was ok, and im having another reassurance scan tomorrow through my EPU because ive been having cramping again. I hope all is well!

I think if you get in contact with your local EPU and talk to someone about how you are feeling, they should be able to scan you to set your mind at ease. :hug:

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