7 weeker and own room.


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May 5, 2008
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just noticed hennaly posted something similar :lol:

But Isla HATES her basket, plus her bashing her arms against it wakes her up and I cant fit cotbed into our room.
She seems to love the cotbed when I put her in it...Im just a bit wary of not having her next to me.

So what Im asking is.

How old were your LOs when they went into their own rooms?
Do you think I should go for it as she may be more settled?

I feel silly for not wanting her in another room, :roll:
both my kids were in thier own rooms within 2 weeks of being born
If you all get a better nights sleep by baby being in their own room then go for it. We waited ages with DD but she kept waking me up when she would grumble or wake up cos she was hitting the sides of basket, moving her to her own room was the best thing, I think she was about 2 months old. I'm thinking DS will need to move soon because he's starting to fill the basket!
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Dont feel silly - I am the same, I dont want Niamh in another room! Like Isla though she seems to enjoy being in her cotbed but we cant fit it in our room. She's beginning to get too big for the basket but I'm hoping to get another few weeks out of it. I also love having her near so that we can co-sleep part of the night. A friend had a really good suggestion to put her in a travel cot in our room in between being in the basket and going in her own room, so we might try that. In the meantime I'm going to try having her in her own room for naps in the day so she (and I!) get used to it and I'm going to aim for between 3 - 6 months for sleeping in her own room. Do you think this is too late?
9 weeks and I never looked back :lol: I had an Angel Care breathing monitor though so it helped put my mind at rest :)
Just to add - you're not being silly by wanting to keep her with you, and really I think it also depends on how often they are feeding, Calum is still going 2 hours so it seems silly to move him just yet but I know the day will come when it will make sense. Do it when you're ready but don't be afraid to try it and if it doesn't work out then leave it a while! :hug:
ninjawomble said:
I feel silly for not wanting her in another room, :roll:

Don't feel silly. Lucy's still in her moses basket, due to grow out of it any day now but I don't want to make the move. She sleeps so well at the moment, I don't want to ruin it!

I'm looking for a BFing chair for her room and then need something to help blackout her room a bit, then I'm going to have to site the bullet :(
2-3 weeks (can't quite remember i was very sleep deprived) i also have a breathing monitor. I also wish i had put him in his cot earlier but i was scared cos he looked too little when he was in it! He still wakes as often for feed but doesnt do the whole banging his arms on the side and waking up in between so is sleeping in solid blocks.
Its so cute to see him with his arms spread out :D looks well comfy. I went in the other morning after hearing him making noises on the monitor and he was smiling and laughing at his cot mobile!
Sweetcheeks24 said:
9 weeks and I never looked back :lol: I had an Angel Care breathing monitor though so it helped put my mind at rest :)

Ditto this about the monitor - our LO was in his own room in his cotbed at 2 weeks due to hating his basket and we havent looked back since
Well I compromised...we have moved some furniture out of our room and have put cot bed in with us... I couldnt bring myself to let her in there.. may invest in a monitor and then move her in.
Its a shame she loves her nursery..Im just to much of a wimp to let her go alone :oops:

The bed takes up nearly all the space in our room though, I have to climb into bed from the bottom :roll: :lol:
We didn't move Ella until she was 6 months as that is what the SIDS guidance suggests. She still comes in our room in her travel cot when she is ill so that I can see and hear her. We moved all the furniture from our room into hers and her cotbed into ours. It was a squash, but I wouldn't have been comfortable putting her in her own room before 6 months.
Jacob was 4 weeks old :) He is such a noisy sleeper and one he was in his own room we all got a much better nights kip! :cheer:
nothing wimpish about it. Seren stopped coming into our room at 13months lol and Cally is still in our room. Its what feels natural to us
ninjawomble said:
I feel silly for not wanting her in another room, :roll:

Dont feel silly hun! I wouldnt want Lola in another room yet either! Im a stickler for the 6 month thing but thats me! I just know I wouldnt be able to sleep and would be in her room checking every 5 mins lol! Im such a worry wort!

Joseph was 6 month, Dillon was 7 months and Lucy was 14 months!

Lola is growing out of her moses basket so we are going to use the travel cot for the time being and when she is 6-7 months she will go into her own room! :D

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