Baby in your room

I put Heidi in her own room at 5 weeks. Problem was then though I read that cot death peaks during the 3 and 4th month so I panicked big-style and she is now back in our room :roll: . She was doing really well in her own room too but I just couldnt stop worrying about it, so we had to move our wardrobes out and move her cot in.

I am planning on putting her in her own room at the end of next month (just after the 4th month mark) - plus I go back to work at the end of August so I want her used to her own room by then.

L x
I slept on Mel's floor on a foam pull out bed for 12 weeks but then moved back to my own bed. By that point it was such a relief as my back was killing me but also I slept so much better not hearing all of the movememts in the night and I think he settled himself better when I wasn't leaping up and giving him a dummy whenever he woke. We don't have a monitor but we do have very thin walls and the head of his cot is next to my head in bed if you see what I mean so I am aware of when he is awake or sneezes etc but it's easier for us both to settle. My oh and I both check him when we go to the loo etc but if he wants us he only has to make one little distress noise and I'm there- you really don't sleep through it. Actually it's funny as next door had a loud party last weekend that my OH complained about in the morning but I hadn't heard that although I had heard Mel cough once at 4am!

Why not move your babies into their rooms and sleep there too for a little bit so that they get used to the cot etc and then see how you feel?

Good Luck!

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