Own Room??


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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My lo is 4months old this week, and at weekend we are moving house, she has gotten too long for her moses basket so was going to put her in her cot but in her own room, now i'm not sure whether this is a good idea or not??

I know the suggestions are to sleep in our room until 6months, but what are the reasons behind this? and how old was your lo when they went in their own room?
DD's room is opposite ours so we keep both doors open and can see and hear her. We put her in her own room around 5 weeks and now we all get more sleep - she would make noises in her sleep, OH would be convinced she needed rocking because of this and his noise would keep me awake :wall: We went to Edinburgh after she had been in her own room for a bit and we had her in a moses basket in her room - it totally reminded me why I had decided to separate her and OH at night :rotfl:
littleem said:
I know the suggestions are to sleep in our room until 6months, but what are the reasons behind this? and how old was your lo when they went in their own room?

It's advised to keep them in your room until 6 months as research shows that a higher percent of cotdeath occurs in babies sleeping in their own room. It's to do with the baby using your breathing pattern to regulate its own, although I don't think there is 'proof' of this, it's just a theory! But there is proof that a high precent of cotdeaths occur within the first 6 months (90%) and with children who were in their own rooms.

Dan went into his own room at just under 5 months. I wanted to keep him in our room until 6 months but like your LO he just got too big for his moses basket!
My LO will be 3 months on Friday, and after the weekend hes going in his own room!! I cant bear to hear every little snuffle, and shuffle and roll he makes.

ONLY I will add because we have one of these monitors with a motion pad that goes under the matress, under the baby, and an alarm sounds if no motion (breathing) is detected. Even tho hes in our room, I still have the monitor on... I worry to much I guess.
Connie went into her cot in her own room at 6 weeks and we've all slept MUCH better since. She's a sturdy baby though so I didn't have any worries about SIDS or anything. I think if you're a natural worrier you'd find it harder but it definitely suits all three of us - and it means I get to see James again now! Woo!
Emms went in her room at 3 months and we all sleep a lot better. She has been fine in the hot weather. I leave the window open and her door is open slightly. As soon as she makes a noise I am awake and in her room!! She is mostly sleeping through the night now. We found that after about 5am Emms was just moving around all over the place, keeping me awake even though she was asleep.

I do worry about SIDS a bit, but then you could worry about everything. I am going to start weaning Emms before 6 months too. Balls to all these regulations! It's such a tiny chance of your baby having SIDS that I woudlnt that it stop you. Who says that at the 'magic 6 months' that they would be totally amune from it anyway?
Willow went in her own room at 6 weeks and the night after that she started to sleep through, like others have said we all get a better nights sleep for it but it is really up to you.
lil miss is still in our room but its because we have aircon in there and not in the nursery and really its far too hot in her room right now... Come September she will go into her own room... I know she will sleep better because DH's snoring disturbs her... but right now, shes with us...as she wouldn't sleep much in a room thats is more than 35º either and lack of sleep is better than over heating... :roll:
she went in her own room at 8 weeks due to her noisy sleeping. We all sleep much better now.
Mine went into own room when he outgrew the moses basket at 7weeks.

Ditto everyone elses comments about a better nights sleep for baby & me :D
I heard the reason they should be in your room is so they can regulate their breathing with yours, but she doesn't do this if she is sleeping in my arms so I really don't think she'll do it in bed when she can hear both OH and my breathing. It would be more confusing I'd have thought.
I'm keeping Chester in with us til at least 6 months. DH says he is going in his own room on his 6 month birthday but i'm not too sure I love having him next to me. I do think tho we will all sleep better when he's in his own room. He does sleep thru from 8pm-8am but at about 5am ends up coming in with us cus he's moaning in his sleep. Hopefully if he's in his own room this wont bother me. I have a sensor moniter as well.
Ted has been in his own room since he was 4 weeks and it was the best thing we did, the room is right next door, I can literally see his cot from my bed and we have a video monitor. I put him swaddled straight into his big cot and it worked a dream, we now have no bed time issues, he knows his cot and room, goes down at 8pm awake with no fuss..result. Only problem i now have is he still loves being swaddled but he's 16 weeks and so big (17lb 10!) his proper mothercare swaddle blanket is too small and normal swaddles he can kick out of! But to be honest, thats a minor glich compared to having a good nights sleep with no snuffles / snoring for both us and Ted..and of course.. a bit of time with hubster! :cheer:
Chunk was in his own room at 2 and a half months :D

It was the best thing we did.... he was a noisy little sleeper when he was a baby... I couldnt settle with him in our room!
Ellie went in her own room at 4 months without much fuss
Ryan was in my bed till the night before he was 4 months old. For the first night or 2 i put a pillow from my bed in his cot to lay on but he was fine! if hes getting tired he winges so i lay him in his cot and he falls asleep almost stright away
Ellie will be going in her own room as soon as her room is ready (we've just moved) as I think we are all disturbing each other at the moment x

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