6 days left

Ah ok... Are you normally pretty regular?
Well Af was due yesterday for me but I don't have the most regular of cycles so I've been holding out..I may test tonight or tomorrow morning if still nothing x

Yep, regular normally.
Ooooo I am getting a bit excited for you Clare, all fingers and toes crossed for you sweetheart! :pray:
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Ah ok... Are you normally pretty regular?
Well Af was due yesterday for me but I don't have the most regular of cycles so I've been holding out..I may test tonight or tomorrow morning if still nothing x

Yep, regular normally.
Ooooo I am getting a bit excited for you Clare, all fingers and toes crossed for you sweetheart! :pray:

Ah I will keep everything crossed for you that Af stays away..
Thank you! I don't have the usual cramps that I have right before af.. But I'm too scared to test! I think I will hold out until tomorrow morning and test then if still no sign x
Hello girls.
Ohhhh sounding good Clare fingers crossed for you eeekkkkk so exciting.
Hoping4rainbow your not out till the witch shows my luv praying for you also.

Well I started spotting yesterday and still spotting today I know af will probably be in full force tomorrow so another heartbreaking month for me. I don't think I can do it any more it is so hard every month. Feeling really down at the moment.

Baby dis the to you lovely ladies xxx
Sending big big hugs to you GemGem :hug:

I feel such lower tummy pressure/heaviness, feel so bloated it's ridiculous :( she should just come, get it over and done with :( What makes me even sadder is that, if she shows then I'll be out for the next two cycles too, as I won't be with OH during the fertile window. Sucks :cry:
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Thanks Gem, I'm not holding my breath just yet! I think I ovulate pretty late so af could still show up. .
Oh bless you, I can completely understand how you feel. . it must be so hard to keep positive each month.. I really hope it happens soon for you xx
Morning Ladies,

How are you all? Any news with you Clare and Hoping4rainbow?
I have been thinking of you both.

Fingers crossed and babydust to you both xxxx
Hi Gem, Has af arrived for you yet?

Well I tested yesterday morning and got 2 very faint positives.. I've tested this morning and still just as faint. I did a digi too and it says -2 weeks pregnant.. I just have a niggly feeling something isn't right as I reckon I'm 16dpo and 3 days late for af and I'm sure the tests should be stronger. . They were much stronger with my first at the same time.. I'm convinced it's a chemical and worrying because of my age I've got useless old eggs :(
Sorry to be a downer!

Rainbow any sign of af for you? xx
Hi Gem, Has af arrived for you yet?

Well I tested yesterday morning and got 2 very faint positives.. I've tested this morning and still just as faint. I did a digi too and it says -2 weeks pregnant.. I just have a niggly feeling something isn't right as I reckon I'm 16dpo and 3 days late for af and I'm sure the tests should be stronger. . They were much stronger with my first at the same time.. I'm convinced it's a chemical and worrying because of my age I've got useless old eggs :(
Sorry to be a downer!

Rainbow any sign of af for you? xx

Hey Clare,

Oh that's great news congratulations, maybe it is just really early I know the levels double everyday or something like that, but try to be positive hun.
Awww so happy for you and fingers crossed this is a sticky bean :hugs:

The WITCH is here in full force today so I am out again this month on to the next.
Hi Gem and Clare, have also been thinking of you two girls x x
Gem my lovely has AF arrived?

Still hasn't for me, was due yesterday. Felt dull pressure deep inside lower tummy and lower back yesterday, felt a bit different to my AF related symptoms, but might all have been in my head. No noticeable symptoms this morning.

Awww Clare I am getting excited for you :) But I understand your worry...it's the reason I don't have the guts to test yet :( Scared I might get my hopes up and then lose it, like back in January. Have never used anything other than clearblue digital so no idea about darkness of lines in my case with successful pregnancy compared to miscarriage. I reckon mine was a either a chemical or blighted ovum.

Clare sweetheart you should be happy and I should be more positive/optimistic about my AF delay damn it! Makes me sad that we're so scared :( Fingers and toes crossed for you xx xx
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Gem just saw your update my lovely, so sorry AF is here for you. Babydust and prayers for your next cycle, chin up sweetheart and bring on December, praying that Santa brings you a very special pressie. Sending big fat greek hugs to you :hug:
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Gem just saw your update my lovely, so sorry AF is here for you. Babydust and prayers for your next cycle, chin up sweetheart and bring on December, praying that Santa brings you a very special pressie. Sending big fat greek hugs to you :hug:

Thank you hun, I love big fat Greek hugs :)

Sounds very promising for you Hoping4rainbow I know what you mean with regards to not testing yet. Fingers crossed for you and let us know asap :) Im so excited for you both.

My OH is going to call the docs and get tested now as well, We just need to know if there are any issues to put our mind at rest.

This month we are going to try SMEP so hoping for the best Xmas present ever.

Gem great idea sweetheart, might as well make sure in the meantime that spermies are in good form. Is he on any multivitamins like Wellman conception or similar (contain zinc and vits B6, C, folic acid, selenium etc that are specifically good for their sperm/reproductive health). My OH normally takes a general multivit like Sanatogen (I force him to take it with dinner every eve or he'd just forget), but last cycle I got him to take the WellMan conception, thought it certainly won't harm (esp. as I take the Pregnacare before conception and they're 3for2 in Boots) xx
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Hey Hoping4Rainbow,
Yes I brought him the Wellman Conception tablets and he is always forgetting to take them lol, typical man.
I think he has had the same pack for about 2 months, I will have to force him to take them as well and shove them down his throat, haha only kidding xx
No kidding Gem, he would ALWAYS forget to take it, if I wasn't making sure he did! Pffff what is it with these guys?!? I literally got into the routine of keeping them on the kitchen top and placing one on his plate right next to his dinner as we prep it in the kitchen to serve! Whenever we've been apart, I just come back to find the same number of tablets just sitting there in their packaging untouched! Grrrrr xx xx
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Hi Girls,

Sorry, I have been out all day with my Sister, just what I needed to take my mind off things! I still feel like things aren't right..I think I am going to try and hold off testing for a couple of days.. And I need to stay off google!

Aw Gem I'm sorry you're out this month.. We tried SMEP this month and well, if things do progress ok, it worked for us.. Not sure if it was just a coincidence but definitely worth a try! Christmas was a lucky time for us so I hope it is for you too

Ah Rainbow, I so hope that its your month.. Any sign yet? I know, we are definitely worriers aren't we! I was talking to my Sister about it and she said that I need to remain positive and what will be will be and if its not meant to be then there is a reason for that, Which I know is true but still doesn't make it any less stressful! She definitely got the chilled out genes out of the two of us!!

Hope you're both ok tonight xx
Hi Girls,

That is the best Clare to keep busy and deffo stay off google, I am the worst googler ever lol, but just try to enjoy and not worry (easier said than done)

Oh great that SMEP worked for you, I will 100% be giving that a try this month and will be due to test on 26th Dec

Rainbow when did you say you was going to test again? I am excited for you :)

Hope you are both ok and have a lovely day xxx
Thanks Gem.. I'm definitely trying to be more positive today and I've stayed away from Google ha! I'm terrible at it too! I'm trying to think what will be will be, if there is something wrong, it's mother nature..

Yes definitely give it a try, it can't hurt to try can it? Oh that would be so lovely wouldn't it!

Hope all ok with you Rainbow x
Hi my lovelies, I have been super busy and trying to keep my mind off this...I just hadn't realised how much my m/c back in January is still affecting me :( You won't believe it. No period still - yet no guts to take a test. Not for the fear of it being negative, but for the fear of it being positive and then miscarrying again :( So I am being so silly, as if losing it without having seen the "pregnant" word first would make it less real :( So I am just waiting it out. I think for a week (or 2?) In case my "period" comes. You must think I am nuts. But I am so so scared :(

Just when you thought you were a worrier Clare - I have just taken it to another level!! How are you feeling? Have you tested again? Thinking of you :hugs: xx

Bring on Xmas and the 26th Dec Gem!! What a lovely lovely pressie that would be, I am wishing it for you with all my heart :hugs: Thinking of you xx

I hope you are both well tonight girls, have a good weekend xx
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Rainbow I completely understand that. .I don't think youre mad at all.. I would feel exactly the same. I'm so sorry it's still affecting you so much. I totally get why it does and why you are so scared of it happening again..I'm sure that is completely normal to feel like that.. I really hope it all works out ok for you. .

Haha, I think we are on the same level on the worry scale! Yes Ive tested again..yesterday with a first response which didn't look any darker than Wednesdays.. and today with an Asda one which does seem to be darker..still nowhere near the progression of most tests I see that people post.. I think I might call the Dr next week and see what he suggests.. I keep getting a niggly pain in my left hand side so my new worry is ectopic :wall2: I just can't get over the thought something is wrong..

Hope all is ok with you Gem and hope you're both having a lovely weekend x
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