6 days left

Good Morning Ladies,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend, mine was ok went way to fast though.

Aww Rainbow big hugs to you hun, I don't think you are mad, I can imagine how worried you are after your loss. I really hope it will all work out for you. And keeping busy is the best idea.

And big hugs to you Clare, going to the doc is the best idea and at least it might help to put your mind at rest a bit. I really hope it will all be ok for both of you.

I am supposed to start the SMEP tomorrow as I will be on CD8 but my OH has just told me he will be working away overnight :( So I guess we will have to start tonight maybe lol


Ah glad you had a nice weekend Gem! It always goes too fast doesn't it :-(
I went to my Sisters work Christmas do which was great fun, had a good boogie so completely took my mind off things for the night!

I think I'm going to wait until Wednesday and take another digital as it should have moved on by then.. If it is still at 1-2 weeks I'll definitely see the Doctor as that wouldn't be right.. Still can't shake the feeling that something is wrong

Ah thats typical isn't it! I think CD8 is really early so I'm sure you will be ok either for tonight or CD9..I didn't ovulate until CD20 this month!! Which I know is unusually late but I'm sure you will be ok to miss tomorrow!

Rainbow hope you are ok today
Great sounds fun Clare, always good to have sound to take your mind off of everything, I had a boogie as well and a few to many Vodka's (Think I deserve it lol)

I'm sure it will all be ok please try not to worry, easier said than done I know. Fingers crossed for you hun.

Great sounds fun Clare, always good to have sound to take your mind off of everything, I had a boogie as well and a few to many Vodka's (Think I deserve it lol)

I'm sure it will all be ok please try not to worry, easier said than done I know. Fingers crossed for you hun.


Yes it was definitely much needed! Ah lovely, sounds fun, Ah yes, drinks were very much deserved! Hope the hangover wasn't too bad!

Thank you..I know, I didn't have any of this the first time! I took one standard test and 1 digi and then didn't worry anymore after that.. I don't know why its so different this time!
Hello my lovelies, so scared and insecure over here I am on CONSTANT knicker/tissue/pad checking!! If nothing changes I'll take a digi by the end of the week.

Gem, you must be close to starting/have started OPKing/SMEPing/BDing by now?? I am excited for you!!Thinking of you and sending extra special, super glittery, magical christmassy babydust your way sweetheart :dust:

Clare, how are you my lovely worrier? How are you feeling? You taking another digi soon? I'll do the same, if all ok and nothing changes, I'll take a test and then repeat it next week, check progression. I am keeping everything crossed for you to clearly see the progression of a supersticky healthy little bean my lovely, please keep us posted, I am so looking forward to your update xx

Love to both of you :love:
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Oh Rainbow bless you..You have a very strong resolve not testing..Totally understand why though! Do you feel pregnant? I have just known both times that I was...

Well I've not had the best morning! Couldn't sleep for worrying and got up at 4:30 as was just tossing and turning! I caved and did another cheapie and an Asda test. The cheapie was a stark negative and Asda had the faintest of lines..Had a good old cry! I called the Doctors and he has referred me to the EPU at our local Hospital to have my bloods done. I am just waiting for them to call me back to arrange a time to go in.. I then took another first response a couple of hours later (I know, I need to stop testing!) and it was quite a strong line so I have absolutely no idea whats going on.. I'm still expecting the worse..I just wish I knew one way or the other..
I'll leep you posted..

Gem hope you're ok today! x
Oh my word, those tests sound useless, they are giving you a nightmare sweetheart! I've never used other than digi, I am now certain I just wouldn't get on with dye tests! So so happy you have been referred to the EPU! Don't think my GP practice would do this for us, your dr sounds amazing xx

Please please try to be positive. I know easier said than done! Sending you so many hugs!! :hug: Not long now til you get a clearer idea, it would be great if they do repeat bloods to check hcg doubling up! I am so so looking forward to your next update!

Yep I feel pregnant, for me it's a kind of lower, deepest tummy awareness/soreness that makes me just "know"...I'll test this weekend fingers crossed and then, if all ok, everything crossed, I'll repeat following weekend...

My gosh, one would think 2nd pregnancies would be a cruise (mind you for a lot of girls they are, I've known a few in my family/friend's circle!)

Everything crossed for you, I'll keep checking here for your update :dust:
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Clare dont worry! fingers crossed for you, all my tests i did had a very faint line even when i was 15 days late for AF! just turned out i ovulated later than usual and the hormone wasnt high enough to register. Even the test in the doctors was that faint they couldnt say it was positive!

but i knew deep down i was i felt different!

first positive i got was a clear blue digital and then the lines showed on cheaper ones
Hey ladies,

ohhh Clare that must be a right mind f**k for you with all these bloody tests and still not knowing 100% I really feel for you, try and keep positive hun, at least you will find out soon what is going on once you have your appointment. Definitely keep us posted please, my fingers and toes are crossed for you.

Hello Rainbow,
Wow you have some will power girl, but I totally understand why you haven't tested yet.
I will be waiting in anticipation for the weekend now and to hear your news hun

Why is life so hard some times?

I started SMEP last night cd7 because the OH is away tonight, so will BD every other night until I get my positive OKP.

Thanks Rainbow..Yes I should have just stuck to the one brand, I don't know why I've swapped so much! I do things for reassurance then just end up feeling even more stressed! I am too scared to do a digi again now in case it hasn't moved on from 1-2 weeks!
Yes my Doctor is so lovely..He said that they will test the HCG levels and then ask me to go back 48 hours later to have them re-done..At least I should have a clearer idea one way or another then..If they are not increasing, I can prepare for the worst then. Still waiting for a call back but I know they are very busy so it may not be today..
Thank you, I'm trying my hardest to be positive but I read so may of these stories not ending well that I have sort of resigned myself already!

Oh that's so exciting that you feel pregnant! I so hope that this is your time! Will look forward to you testing :)

I know, tell me about it! My first pregnancy was such a happy, lovely experience from the start..this couldn't be more different! Perhaps its being that bit older that makes it harder?

Ah Leigh thank you for your kind words.. I think I know when I ovulated..Pretty sure it was the 14th of November so that would make me 22dpo! It just doesn't seem right to me but you never know!
So pleased everything is progressing well for you x
Sorry Gem crossed posts!
Thank you...Its my own fault for taking so many tests!! I don't know why I put myself through it!!
I will keep you updated when I hear back from the EPU..

Good luck with SMEP! I hope it works out for you this month and you get your Christmas BFP :)
Clare, thinking of you lots my lovely, got everything crossed for you and hope all is ok :hug:
Thanks Rainbow..I've got an appointment at 12:30 with the EPU.. They said they would scan and do bloods but I'm pretty sure they won't see anything on a scan..I'm nervous but just trying to put it to the back of my mind..
Thanks for thinking of me..How are things with you? xxx
Hey Ladies,

Thinking of you Clare let us know how you get on.
Everything is crossed for you hun.

Hope you are well Rainbow

Hi Gem, I hope all is well with you my love and you're getting real busy with that SMEPing ;-) Keep at it sweetheart :dust:
I am ok. I think. (Knicker checking central :pray: ) xx

I can't stop thinking of you Clare, praying with all of my heart that all is good in there and it's just a bit early. I was curious so looked for my positive test photo from my first pregnancy and saw it was a 1-2 weeks indication although I took it a whole 7 days AFTER my period was due! So it was in fact 3 weeks after conception (I knew exactly when we had sex, OV, 28d cycles on the dot etc) so the indication should have been more like 2-3wks if not 3+!! Good thing I was a bit clueless back then, my ignorance was bliss, so it didn't worry me. Now I am reading that apparently it is normal for hcg to start off lower in the early weeks for some women and then "catch up" later, in the following weeks leading up to around the 12th week mark, by following a higher rate of increase. So I hope your levels are not decreasing my love, but are rather just a bit low to begin with xx

I hope you are ok lovely, everything still super tightly crossed for you xx
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Hey Rainbow, I am well thank you and yes busy with the SMEPing I am shattered already lol (only kidding)

I can't wait to hear your news the weekend :)

Clare, still thinking about you and praying for you hunni.

Lot's of Love
Hey Girls,
Thanks for thinking of me..Things don't look great.. They did an internal scan and couldn't see anything in the womb..they spent ages checking for ectopic..they thought they could see the tiniest of shadows next to my right ovary which could be an ectopic pregnancy but could also just be normal for me and may have always been there. They took my bloods and my HCG level is 76 which is very low..I've got to go back Sunday to have my bloods done and depending on what they are they might scan again on Tuesday. My worst fear is ectopic and my body not getting rid of it naturally..because then I'd need an injection and you can't TTC again for 3 months after that which at my age isn't good!
So it's all just a waiting game now.. Thankfully Me and Hubs have got the day off work tomorrow and we're going to go to the cinema then christmas shopping so that should take my mind off things. .

Rainbow I'm very excited for you! Roll on the weekend eh!

Gem glad you're getting busy!! Come on Christmas bfp!

Ohhhh sweetheart I am so so sorry that things were not any clearer :( I hate knowing it's this kind of waiting game for you. Am I right that it could be too early to be able to see anything in the womb anyway? Wish I could give you a huge hug my lovely xx So pleased to hear that you and hubby have the day off together and will spend time together shopping, cinema etc and then the weekend. Praying with all of my heart it's not an ectopic my love, and won't stop thinking of you and rooting for you, please look after/let hubby look after yourself, enjoy lots of cuddles with your lil girlie, sending so much love to you xx xx :hugs:
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Thanks Rainbow.. I know, it is the not knowing that's the worst. Well from my dates I think I am 5 weeks so it could be too early to tell but my HCG levels are very low for 5 weeks.. Also the fact that I've got this one sided pain and that they thought they could see something tiny outside the womb, makes me thing it is ectopic..Which obviously I have been reading horror stories about! I'm hoping as its so early and I am being monitored, it wouldn't ever get to a dangerous stage..I just pray if it is that, my body recognises it and it happens naturally, I would hate for medical intervention but I know that may be my only option..
Thank you, Yes our day off tomorrow has definitely come at the right time!
When I got home from the hospital, My little girl came running up to me and put her arms around my neck and just cuddled me for ages, which she has never ever done before, she is not an affectionate toddler at all! Its like she sensed something was wrong and it was just what I needed..Bless her, made me so tearful!
Thanks so much for your kind words and support, I really appreciate it xx
Just got really tearful reading and picturing this^^ awww your wee angel :hugs:
They do sense things with us sweetheart, I am convinced. Esp. after I lost my mummy, I can have a sad thought in my head ONLY and if my little boy is around, I've seen his face suddenly changing, interrupting whatever he's doing to come give me the longest cuddle and the sloppiest smooch. First time it happened it freaked me out. I thought how?? How does he know?? He was literally clinging on me staring into my eyes and kept smiling at me until I smiled back. And then off he went, back to his play xx
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