Thank you for the welcome and hugs lovely ladies!
~ Gem1308,
8 dpo today for both of us, aren't our cycles in total sync! Silly, but I suddenly feel less alone

Like someone is virtually holding my hand

I was 34 when I conceived my little trooper, keep thinking positive sweetheart, I think a happy relaxed hormone added to our mix is vital

I have undoubtedly felt the detrimental effects that stress and sadness can have on our body. I have ALWAYS, without a single exception, been super regular with 28d cycles, on the dot. The day after my mummy died my period came. It was d20. Crazy. The effect that feelings can have on our bodies is real and scary.
So hold on to that feel-good feeling, try and do anything that relaxes you and keeps you distracted. Advice from your cycle buddy!

Easy to say I know! xx
~ Clarep1905,
thank you so much for the wish, lots and lots of babydust to you too lovely. Like you, I conceived my little boy when I was 34, have you got a little girl? I want to give mine a sibling so so much as I am an only child and always wished I had a sibling, during both happy and challenging times in my life. Take care lovely, we can do this xx
~ Glittergirl84,
booooo indeed!! But bring on the wkend drinks and starting afresh the next cycle! Good luck with the bloods and plz keep us posted xx
~ Fairy1991,
isn't nature the most cruel and our bodies naughty for suddenly having all these symptoms?!? What's that all about?!? Any pre-AF related symptoms yet? I hope not sweetheart, although it probably wouldn't necessarily mean anything LOL - I've had preAF symptoms since 3dpo FFS!?! All fingers crossed for you, looking forward to your update xx
~ Dolly26,
Can't have too many xmas surprises

Best of luck with the fertility tests and plz keep us posted. All fingers crossed for that "Wave of BFPs" in here! Aww what a wonderful wish Dolly! xx
Lots of glittery, sparkly, sticky babydust to all of you girls xx