6 days left

Hi Guys! Well the witch has arrived! Booooo! Oh well at least I can have a few drinks at the weekend! Am going to the doctors on thurs and they are checking my bloods aswell xx

Booooo! But yay for booze and blood tests!
I don't know if it's just in my head because I see everything as a sign LOL
I'm needing the wee more hahha
It's probably nothing tho.
Hi Guys! Well the witch has arrived! Booooo! Oh well at least I can have a few drinks at the weekend! Am going to the doctors on thurs and they are checking my bloods aswell xx

Oh no Glittergirl84, boooo, have a drink for me :)
Chin up and start again, that's my attitude now
Let us know how your bloods go.

Thank you for the welcome and hugs lovely ladies!

~ Gem1308,
8 dpo today for both of us, aren't our cycles in total sync! Silly, but I suddenly feel less alone :) Like someone is virtually holding my hand ;) I was 34 when I conceived my little trooper, keep thinking positive sweetheart, I think a happy relaxed hormone added to our mix is vital :) I have undoubtedly felt the detrimental effects that stress and sadness can have on our body. I have ALWAYS, without a single exception, been super regular with 28d cycles, on the dot. The day after my mummy died my period came. It was d20. Crazy. The effect that feelings can have on our bodies is real and scary.
So hold on to that feel-good feeling, try and do anything that relaxes you and keeps you distracted. Advice from your cycle buddy! ;) Easy to say I know! xx

~ Clarep1905,
thank you so much for the wish, lots and lots of babydust to you too lovely. Like you, I conceived my little boy when I was 34, have you got a little girl? I want to give mine a sibling so so much as I am an only child and always wished I had a sibling, during both happy and challenging times in my life. Take care lovely, we can do this xx

~ Glittergirl84,
booooo indeed!! But bring on the wkend drinks and starting afresh the next cycle! Good luck with the bloods and plz keep us posted xx

~ Fairy1991,
isn't nature the most cruel and our bodies naughty for suddenly having all these symptoms?!? What's that all about?!? Any pre-AF related symptoms yet? I hope not sweetheart, although it probably wouldn't necessarily mean anything LOL - I've had preAF symptoms since 3dpo FFS!?! All fingers crossed for you, looking forward to your update xx

~ Dolly26,
Can't have too many xmas surprises ;) Best of luck with the fertility tests and plz keep us posted. All fingers crossed for that "Wave of BFPs" in here! Aww what a wonderful wish Dolly! xx

Lots of glittery, sparkly, sticky babydust to all of you girls xx
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Thank you for the welcome and hugs lovely ladies!

~ Fairy1991,
isn't nature the most cruel and our bodies naughty for suddenly having all these symptoms?!? What's that all about?!? Any pre-AF related symptoms yet? I hope not sweetheart, although it probably wouldn't necessarily mean anything LOL - I've had preAF symptoms since 3dpo FFS!?! All fingers crossed for you, looking forward to your update xx


I don't even know my symptoms lol I never paid attention to when my period ever came or didn't from what I think I'm irregular but working it out and it looks like a 34 days cycle. I jotted down when my period came.i did the opks and it came positive on the 16th day. So I ovulated around that Time. It wasn't what my predicting period calender was telling me but I adjusted it and set the date for when my ovulation WAS positive shown

Anyhow I've been stupid enough to do pregnancy tests 7dpo 10dpo and 11dpo maybe even 12dpo I think I got negatives but I'm still keeping hope and praying for it. Hahaha.
Thank you for the welcome and hugs lovely ladies!

~ Gem1308,
8 dpo today for both of us, aren't our cycles in total sync! Silly, but I suddenly feel less alone :) Like someone is virtually holding my hand ;) I was 34 when I conceived my little trooper, keep thinking positive sweetheart, I think a happy relaxed hormone added to our mix is vital :) I have undoubtedly felt the detrimental effects that stress and sadness can have on our body. I have ALWAYS, without a single exception, been super regular with 28d cycles, on the dot. The day after my mummy died my period came. It was d20. Crazy. The effect that feelings can have on our bodies is real and scary.
So hold on to that feel-good feeling, try and do anything that relaxes you and keeps you distracted. Advice from your cycle buddy! ;) Easy to say I know! xx

Lots of glittery, sparkly, sticky babydust to all of you girls xx

Yahh one day closer for us Hun, How are you feeling today?
It is so nice having a cycle buddy and someone to hold your hand :) I am quite new to commenting on these sites even though I have stalked them forever lol

It is crazy what stress can do to your body isn't it.

My symptoms for today: still having a stuffy nose and some weird feelings in my tummy like butterflies, and tender bbs under my arms. Oh and gas lots of gass (Sorry TMI)

Wish we could fast forward a week.
How is everyone else feeling today?

dolly26 - Sorry to hear you are struggling a bit too.. It seems Christmas is quite a lucky time with TTC!
Fingers crossed everything is ok with all your tests..

Ah Glittergirl84 sorry Af has got you..But yes, every cloud has a silver lining! Hope you get on ok at the Docs Thursday...

Fairy1991 Its so hard not to scrutinize every single symptom isn't it! I'm sure your mind definitely plays tricks on you sometimes..But then again, it could be a symptom too!!

Hoping4Rainbow Yes we have a little girl.. I know she would be a lovely big Sister! Although I already feel guilty about giving another baby attention, she is my world so its hard to think about sharing the love with another one but I know that it would all be fine as my Sister has 2 and she said you do love the second one just as much! Ah bless you..I think when you are an only child it can go either way can't it..My friend is an only child and she loved it as she got all the attention and spoilt rotten!! Hope you're doing ok today xx

Gem1308 I hope that those signs are positive for you! Time does seem to stand still in the 2 week wait doesnt it!

I am pretty sure Af is on its way as I've got all the usual signs I get a day or two before so I reckon we're out.. Plus side, I could have a drink over Christmas! Although if we did conceive next month, the due date would be almost identical to my little girls! Mine and my Sisters birthdays are only a couple of days apart though and it never bothered us!

Hope everybody is ok today xx
No need to apologise Gem, surely there's no such thing as "TMI" amongst us! :)

Slight dull lower back pressure and slight dull tummy aching/cramping over here. No spotting anymore, hope it stays like this xx

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...i thought my boobs were hurting the other day

I THINK it turned out it was a dream LOL I'm not sure. I have been getting dreams with positive pregnancy tests and other signs I'm pregnant!!! Aahaha
Thanks clarep. Here's hoping xmas is lucky again. Ffs crossed the witch doesn't arrive for you.

I actually done an online checker and if I did conceive this month no. 2 would be due on my lg's 2nd birthday
Thanks guys! I'm taking up exercise again as put on quite a bit of weight since my wedding earlier in the year so using it as a bit of distraction! Il let you know what the bloods come back as! Keep going guys! Xx
3 days until due af here. Like everyone else I have grown to hate the 2ww! Never usually cave to test but did this month.. stupidly! 9dpo and 11dpo and BFN obviously. 99.9% sure I'm out, but you still naiively hold onto that tiny bit of hope don't you... *sigh*

Baby dust to all xx
Morning Ladies and welcome MrsDuckie,

Hope you are all well

Glittergirl - Yes keeping yourself busy helps. I am starting to exercise as well, have a membership at the gym but haven't been for about 4 months :( doing slimming world as well

MrsDuckie - I tested this morning as well 9dpo and of course it was BFN I just couldn't help myself,
yes we have to have that tiny bit of hope otherwise we would drive our self crazy

Nothing new to report here @9dpo,
not even feeling any symptoms today!
No spotting anymore(yay as it freaked me out)
- no dull back/tummy ache anymore either.
Not even sure if that's a good/bad thing.

Good day lovely ladies xx hang in there :dust:
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It's still early days Gem1308, but you are a brave girl for testing! Hang in there chick xx
AF arrived today for me :( It's been such a weird, horrible cycle. Yuck.

Good luck everyone! xx
Ah sorry you're out this month MrsDuckie..I hope next month brings you more luck..

Fingers crossed it may just be too early for you..

I've been getting twinges and pains in the left side of my pelvis the past couple of days and yesterday a sort of popping or fluttery sensation..Desperately trying not to look to much into it.. I still feel like Af is on the way though..I think I'm probably due Sunday so still a few more days to wait.. Time really does stand still when you don't want it to!

Hope everybody else is ok x
Oh noo MrsDuckie, chin up and on to the next cycle, hugs.

Thanks Clare, fingers crossed for you also, your signs sound promising. Not to long to wait now eekkk exciting.

Hoping4Rainbow, I know so silly of me to test that early but so many people say they get a bfp so early, just not me lol.

10DPO today and nothing much really going on, still have a stuffy nose and feel like I am getting a cold and had some pains in the uterus last night and had a crap sleep that is all to report.

Good Luck ladies xxxx
Morning Everyone, Happy Friday! Has anybody got any nice plans for the weekend?

Thanks Gem After saying that though, I have all the signs I normally have at this time for Af.. Really irritable and bloated and emotional! I always get this one or two days before so looks like I am right on track for Sunday..
I can't decide whether to take a break over Christmas or not.. If we did conceive in December, it would be likely that the due date is right near my little girls Birthday and I'm not sure if that would be fair..But I don't have time on my side due to age so its probably best we just carry on! I'm starting to worry that we are going to have problems this time round..Mainly because of my age but also Hubs is on medication that can have a detrimental affect on sperm..His Doctor told him not to come off them but he wants to as it could stop us conceiving..So hard to know what to do for the best..
Anyway, enough about me! I hope everybody else is ok? xx
Hi girlies,
no symptoms that I can notice @10dpo here. (Notice the wishful thinking in my wording?? The symptoms might be "there" - I just don't notice them! :looped: )
Crap sleep last night for me too Gem xx

Clarep, I understand xx I've had trouble deciding/postponing before re. possible due date coinciding with mum's 1 year requiem...or my little boy's birthday next August etc. Now I'm just thinking, what will be, will be. I am not very hopeful, so if it is meant to happen soon I don't want to be the one to postpone or even prevent it. But I really understand, you sound just like me (you are such a worrier aren't you) {hug} :hug:
Can hubby perhaps pause his medication while you ttc without risk to his health? xx

Greetings and babydust to all of you xx :dust:
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