AF cramps early on...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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Again i've had AF cramps early on in my cycle... tomorrow will be 2 weeks past ovulation. This month i ovulated quite early in my cycle... AF not due for another 6 days... But i've had AF cramps now for approx 10 days...... has anyone else had AF pains and still got a BFP at the end of their cycle.... i'm not holding out any hope this month... but it would be nice to know if anyone else was 99% sure AF was about to begin only to get BFP.

Hi Hayley,

When I had my BFP in June I had a very weird cycle.. I had very severe ovulation type pains on day 14 [pressure in abdomen and cramps for about 12 hours] then I started spotting a bit and had AF like cramps for almost 10 days from Ovulation day to AF Due date.... it was weird.. but then I realised I didnt have other usual symptoms.. my boobs were NOT sore and the pains were not the usual strong AF cramps.. more like twinges, crampy grumblings... but then when AF didnt arrive on Day 1 I sensed something amiss...

So... if your AF cramps are from Ovulation onwards it could be implantation.. even when we don't get a BFP we can get implantation twinges and spotting etc but then unfortunately something is not right and implantation is not complete so we get AF as expected a few days later.. I kept a diary so I know exactly what happened on each day.. something I am going to start again this month as I hope it will help identify patterns without me convincing myself or being in denial.

Have my fingers and toes crossed for you this month.. if it is implantation cramping then you will get that BFP soon!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!

I was getting AF cramps on and off when i first fell pregnant - i just thought i would get AF anytime soon but then the cramps would disappear again.

When are you going to test? Hope you get your BFP soon, everyone is hoping for you!! xx
Hi Hayley,

Like Anna Marie I now keep a diary of any little twinges I get throughout my cycle and last month I did experience pain in my lower abdomen from about mid-way through my cycle, I have heard that this means implantation may be occuring, but like AM says it doesn't always mean we get our BFP - life sucks!! I was three days late with af last week and began to get my hopes up as you know, but it wasn't meant to be. Hope your egg makes it though, keep us informed!!
I'm glad this topic has come up. Last Saturday which was roughly 4 days after ovulation I had pains in my lower abdomen all day, they were not cramps but pains. Sometimes they caught my breath. I've been getting them on and off ever since but not as constant as they were on Saturday. I've never experienced this before, I don't usually suffer from AF cramps as a rule. It's usually back ache that gets me.

I have read on this forum that this was one of the symptoms other women had before they had their BFPs but as others said it could well be implantation pains but it may not go our way and the dreaded AF will arrive.

I've started to keep a diary as well now to keep a record of all these twinges and new aches and pains.

I'm not sure when my AF is due as I didn't ovulate until late in my cycle. Probably won't be due until the end of the week or early next week.
hi hun i had ovulation pains day 9-12 then from day 14 ive had af cramps and am still getting them now sometimes they can be really sharp and almost take my breath away am convinced every half hour that am going to m/c :(
i was 100 % sure i was going to get af and am now 5 weeks pg :D
so you never know hun i really hope its the same for you
wishing everyone ttc a bfp soon xxxxx

Thanks a lot for all your best wishes... I'd love a BFP (as everyone else trying) this month. However i'm not holding out as we only BDed the once during fertile time. We've had a few business worries this month (DH has his onw business) this caused a lot of sleepless nites for DH.. when he has something on his mind he can't eat or sleep... but these worrys have all been sorted out now! so we're back to some serious BDing....

Interesting about AF pains and implantation pains being very similiar.... In fact everything seems to be similar.. chest pains when af is due - chest pains due to BFP! feeling off food and a little nauseaus due to AF - also due to BFP! Today is 14 days past ovulation.. Might test Sat.... although AF isn't due till Tue. I ovulated really early this month.

Make some room Rach in the JUNE forum - let me in.....

thanks for your replies everyone. And good luck.

Ooh, good luck Hayley!

Forgive me for being really really thick... but if you ovulated early, would AF not be due early as well? I thought that it was normally 14 days between ovulation and AF, as basically that's the time it takes for the egg to travel from the ovaries to the womb, and if it is not fertilised, it can't implant and so the lining breaks up, and this is AF. Or have I got that completely wrong?

I'm only asking as if it is 14 days since ovulation, you may be able to test now.... (Sorry if this is complete and utter nonsense and I get your hopes up Hayley).
Hi Tankett

This is what i thought.. but i think 14 days is the standard. I thought the days before ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle and woman to woman but the time after ovualtion (14 days) was set in stone... but now i don't know because i've always ovulated around day 11 to 12 of cycle and AF coming around day 28 to 29. That makes post ovulation 17 days. I'm gonna test on sat which will be 16 days past ovualtion.. fingers crossed.. Although I feel AF is about to arrive any min....

When i got my July BFP i was convinced AF was coming even after the BFP i had terrible period pain, and couldnt beleive it when she never turned up!

Good luck!
Hi all,

I believe that's right regarding post ovulation, it's supposed to be 14 days but then some people have a shorter luteal phase (as they call it in the books) which is what causes a problem for some women.

By that calculation, my AF shouldn't be due until next week....horrible waiting to see if it will arrive or not, bet she does! :(
hayley i tested bfp 13dpo with a very faint line i was due on tues tested bfp on saturday b4 good luck hunny theres plenty of room in the june 2006 for you im still the only one there and its getting really lonely now xxxxxxx

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