5th and final attempt at Sweep today! UPDATED 16.32


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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So, i've been getting period like cramps and pains in my foof/cervix area for the past few days. Yesterday evening i could of sworn i was going into the early stages of labour but i've woken today with just back ache again :roll:
Going for the final sweep attempt at 2pm. I'm really hoping that i'm dilated or even that my cervix has at least opened, as it's been closed at every other attempt. Apparantly if it's still closed it makes induction harder, so cross your fingers for me please girls as i'm due to get induced on Thurs!! :shock:

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Fxfxfxfx!!!! I really REALLY hope this works for you today!!! Sending you lots if luck, hugs and kisses!

I might have to come up and give little man a kick up the wrongun to get him going!

Keep my updated!

Good luck - hope your cervix is behaving itself today!
good luck hon, my first sweep did nothing, then 2nd got her head 2 cm... so fingers crossed for you xxx
You poor thing, I really hope this is it! Spread 'em!
Hope it works this time lovely lady.

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
How did u get on? hope it was good news x
Just got back now. Cervix is now open and i'm between 1 and 2cm dilated!!! I'm not in labour though as such so it must just be the starting of it, i dont really understand how i'm starting to dilate but haven't been having any proper contractions just period like cramps??!! So, she was able to do the sweep - 5th time lucky! - she said things could start to progress properly anytime in the next day or so but will more than likely still need to be induced on Thursday.
I'm just relieved that my cervix isn't closed anymore. xxx
Good news hun, was thinking of u earlier on and thought I must come and check if your little man had arrived yet - hope it kicks off soon xx
That's great news hun.
Hopefully things will kick off and you won't have to be induced.
FX for you sweetie. Xx

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