5 wks 2 days. HELP


Jun 28, 2015
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Hi ladies.
I am currently 5 weeks 2 days (per last period) and my HCG level 2nite was over 8000 however they found NO sac.

I'm scared of an ectopic. Anyone else have high hcg levels and no sak at 5wk2days????
It could be that your still too early at 5+4 they saw the sac with me in this pregnancy but with my ectopic my HCG was only 1100 and they couldn't see anything until they scanned me again and found a twin a couple of days later. 1100 is high for an ectopic so 8000 is very high!!

Are you experiencing any pain or bleeding?? What have they said, they would of been able to see a 'mass' if it was ectopic as they saw mine at 5+1.

My hcg wasn't as high as yours but at around 5 weeks they probably can't pick up anything on a scan, they didn't with me until I was nearly 6 weeks. Every day makes a big difference. When do you have to go back for your next scan? Don't lose hope xx
My date from my LMP has been put back 9 days so you may just be really early on, usually don't see much until about 6weeks xx
Thx for your replies. I go back tomorrow for hcg levels. I have slight cramps but that's all!!!! I read online sac should be seen at 1000 to 2000 hcg. :/
Stop googling things hun.

You could be having multiples and your only 5 weeks so still early to see anything; did they do a internal scan??

My hcg was 14,000 and they still couldn't see a sack at 5+2. I wouldn't worry. I had a scan a week later and baby was there with strong heartbeat. :)
And what ever you do, do not Google. Haha. Dr Google is a bearer of bad news to anyone. :)

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