just got a not pregnant digi help


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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Hello eveyone,
Wonder if anyone can help, I this week have done 5 or 6 tests which have all come back positive including two digi c/b!!!
I have just done another clear blue digi and its come back not pregnant????
Has anyone else had similar????
I would of been 5 weeks next thurs.
Is it because HCG levels not high enough yet or do you think little bean has left me?
I am really scared and unsure really grateful for any response.
it could have been faulty hun sorry not much help :hug:
it's more likely you would get a false negative rather than lots of false positives, do another test maybe to out your mind at rest? :hug:
I agree with Sweetcheeks, its not very likely that you get 5 or 6 false positives... hope you get the result you want. :hug:
i agree with the girls i would have thought it was unlikely to get just one negative test i would take another test otherwise contact your doc or m/w for support and advice,

hope your ok :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone for getting back to me so soon, did another test while out to lunch at a friend who is 12 weeks fri.
It was neg again.
Last period 21st feb and was due on between thurs and today nothing yet buy a bit sad life can be cruel!!!!
Not sure what to think!!!!?????
Did the tests get lighter atall rather than darker??

i had this, and it was a chemical pregnancy..

hopefully yours isnt, i dont meanto sound negative babe,

fingers crossed its just stupid tests..

i'd test with FMU tomorrow, and see what result you get..

please be a BFP :pray: :pray: xxx
Tested with sains test this morn and there is a very faint line, think you may be right about chemical preg!!!!
Am keeping everything crossed and will wait for bleeeding to happen???
aww hun..im sorry ur gettin g mixed messages from HPT's..but this hapend to me as well to me as well i was getting faint lines on standart tests but digis were "not pregnant" a few days later i started getting AF /bad ache and i had VERY heavy bleeding i was told it was a chemical prgncy as well.

if u do get heavy bleeding with clots then it could well be a chemical preg..by the way id still get checked out as with any M/C best to be checked over i had to go to EPU to have bloods taken for HGC levels.

PRAYING ur not going tru the same :hug: :hug: :hug: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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