4th Feb - My induction date! - updated with blood results.


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Aug 28, 2006
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Its the date of my induction (if my levels have gone down!). It was booked in this morning.

Its just under 3 weeks away!! :shock: makes me 37 & 1. It will be the same process as Alice - i will have to constantly be on the monitor to check how Lewis is doing. Im not looking forward to not being able to be as mobile as i would like again. Still... my birth plan is more or less the same as last time - as much pain relief they can put in me as possible - i had no issues with feeling like i wasn't in my body! Going to try and not have an epidural again as i managed it without last time.

What makes it spooky is I was taken in on the 4th Dec to be started with Alice and I had her on the 5th Dec.. I wonder if my babies have a thing for being born on the 5th :think:

Luckily he is head down and it quite nice and low. Fingers crossed he stays like that!

I had a phone call from the hospital as well earlier - they have booked my 'urgent' liver scan in...... for the 12th Feb :roll:
good luck hun!! :cheer: :hug:

i hope to find out next thursday what the plan of action for myself and bubs is. :think: :pray:

they have managed to bring my levels down dramatically so not sure if this will affect me being induced :doh: ?
That's a day after my Bday. Good luck hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
wow!!! how quick has that come round :shock: :hug:

I really hope things go ok with you luv and wish you a safe and speedy delivery :hug: :hug: xx
That is soon :shock: but best to make sure you and Lewis are looked after :hug: :hug: :hug:

Are you supposed to have this urgent liver scan while you are still pg?
Mik said:
Are you supposed to have this urgent liver scan while you are still pg?

yep - ive got to call them again on monday and insist that it is done in the next week. If they won't take it from me i need to get the MW on the ward to call! :wall:
also, i got my blood results back today - My LTF's have gone down, but my ALT's have gone up. They are not worried - they have just said that is most prob taking time for them to get out of my system. They are pleased that my LFT's are heading in the right direction. If they are still high next week then they will worry.

Explains why im still itchy though :roll:

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