40 weeks + 3 days - breakdown


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Worst midwife appointment ever...

After having to chase this appointment down to even be seen before next week (41+4!!) they stuck me on the end, ad as usual they were running late so I sat there for an hour before I got seen.

No big deal though, as long as I'm getting my sweep and my induction booked I'm happy. Ohh no. Got called in, informed they won't give sweeps until you are 41 weeks, and won't induce you until exactly 42 weeks... WHAT?!?!?!

I thought in this day an age they didn't let you go over 42 weeks, I thought I'd be induced a few days before that AT LEAST! But no, they book you in at 42 weeks so your likely to be in your 43rd week of pregnancy by the time you give birth!

F**k that. I cried the rest of the appointment and she apologised and said if she could help me she would. Came home still sobbing, started researching castor oil. Wanted to get my mitts on some but they won't sell to pregnant ladies so dragged my mum out of work on her lunch break, convinced her it was safe, and the second pharmacy we tried - JACKPOT! Gots a bottle of castor oil for £2-something :D

Went into asda and bought chocolate milkshake, orange juice, and a pineapple for good measure lol. Just took 2oz of castor oil with the chocolate milkshake - tasted fine!!! No after taste at all. Feeling much calmer and happier now. Even if this does nothing, at least I have done something to encourage labour!

I really can't face being pregnant for possibly another 2 weeks. Seems unreal, I already have about 5 or 6 people asking me every day if anything has happened!

What a day, and it's only 2.45pm! Here's hoping I'm in labour before the day is out.
Oh hun :hug: please try to stay calm, stress can hold off labour apparently. If you've taken castor oil and your waters go try and catch it in a pad just in case baby has pooed so you can tell the colour. Personally I am going for dtd, ball bouncing and spicy foods for now, plus the epo. I am stunned they will leave you that long, I didn't think they could tbh.

Sprinkling lots of labour dust over both of us xxxxxxxxx
That's awful hun, I thought it was a bit risky to leave labour until after 42 weeks due to issues with the placenta not working anymore?

A girl I work with has a friend with 3 children and she took castor oil 3 weeks before each due date and had all 3 babies after taking it!! Whether it is coincidence or whatever who knows, but she is convincned it worked for her, so fingers crossed it works for you too!!

Lots of spicey foods and walks and bounching, gotta get the knee position right apparently, that's what they told me when I was labouring with my son!? Pineapple you would have to eat a tonne of though lol

Good luck, hope LO evacuates for you soon xxx
:hugs:its so disheartening when u think summat is gonna happen then it dont, my mw told me last time that sweeps arent allowed til 41 weeks, but i had one at 40 + 4 with my first baby as i was being induced the following day.....but the rules are always changing :shakehead:

Be careful with the castor oil and i would take the advice of bb incase it encourages baby to open bowels, other that that i would say dtd, spicy food, pineapple the lot and maybe a nice long walk or running up and down the stairs anything that helps and fingers crossed baby makes his/her way soon :) xx
:hugs:you poor love.

Try not to get stressed about it. Like BB says, if you are anxious this can delay going into labour. You need to stay as relaxed and calm as possible.

I have a feeling this is going to happen to me too. I have effectively missed and appointment because there is no space! I'm a bit pissed about it. It means I am going to see the midwife at 39+2 instead of 38 weeks and I know there aren't going to be any appointments for the week after.

I'm not sure what the policy is here for sweeps etc.
:hugs: that really sucks! i really hope things get moving for you soon and you dont need to wait for sweep or induction. its crazy how everywhere has different policy, i have sweep tomorrow but think i'm only really getting it as i go to consultant clinic and he tells the midwives when he wants them done depending on the individual case. xxx
Thank you all so much for the kind words and advice! I have a pad on so I can check the waters, and my tummy feels a little funny, but it's been nearly 3 hours now and nothing notable is happening? I thought I took quite a lot too. Debating how long to leave it before I brave another dose :)

I knew this would happen though as my mum went 2 weeks over with both her kids, I just hoped I wouldn't :( The pressure from others makes it 100x worse. Next time I will be telling people a due date 2 weeks later than my actual one!! xxx
I really hope it works for you- I'm not even fully cooked so can't imagine how your feeling except I can imagine feeling more fed up ... Sure I'll get there!

On a note consultant said to me to get enough of the enzyme you need to eat a very large quantity of pineapple much more than 1 or 2- apparently enzyme can be found in papya too xxxxx
FX the oil works then hun, make sure u keep us informed. Im off to my mw tomorrow so im going to find out what she plans to do with me in a couple of weeks xx
I think that's terrible that they would leave you so long!

I don't know an awful lot about castor oil I know my mum took it and it worked for her! But I also know someone who tried it and it didn't work!

Sex is supposed to be quite good although it didn't start my labour I think it may have got my waters to break!
I'm the same! I have an app booked for Wednesday 40+4 but have been told by midwife previously I can't have sweep till after 41 weeks but she booked this app and said id get a sweep. She's on holiday now so I do hope she's passed message on! Also told at that app my induction would be booked for 42 no sooner. So baby coming in 43 week by looks of things too!!! I've tried everywhere for castor oil and no where here sells it!!! Sucks! Hope it works for you and u don't have to wait too much longer!! X
Ooo and my auntie took castor oil with both hers and within 3 hours or so labour had started! She did stupid thing n took bottle not tea spoon lol! This was 24/22 years ago with both hers nd both where fine, castor oil didn't effect either of them but ive read over due babies r more likely to have meconium in waters neway. Hope this isn't case for you & it works! Just don't take whole bottle lol oh and she didn't even have tummy pains or really bad toileting lol. Have you been yet?? X
How did u get on Carly? sounds like a similar day to me! x
I would recommend booking yourself in for a reflexology appointment as well, this has worked for two friends of mine, although they were a week overdue anyway so might be coincidence, but I have heard this has a good success rate. Good luck! x
Well after 4.5 hours the effects kicked in! I also spent the afternoon munching on a whole pineapple until my mouth burned lol, I don't think it'll help but mum said she spoke to 4 or 5 people who thought it worked for them, and I'm obviously desperate so why not :) So I have been to the toilet about 6 or more times. Yes it's uncomfortable but I had all this last week and thought it was 'the clear out', I coped then and I'm coping now! I'm still considering taking another dose before bed. After reading others internet stories I feel like another 2oz on an empty stomach might enforce it a bit more!

Everything is majorly crossed! I might just buy more and take it until it works lol! xx
Hope this is it working for you! I've spent day on loo too but had so many days where I think im Having the Big "clear out" before labour starts. How much have u taken already? Does it not make you feel sick? X
Nah, mixed it with chocolate milkshake and barely noticed the taste or texture so it's relatively painless :) I had a 150ml bottle which is now more or less empty, about 5oz taken. Think i took about 2oz earlier and 2.5 or 3oz just now. Haven't needed the loo for a few hours so thinking I'm empty! Lol. Tummy is having some twinges now that don't feel like BM pains or contractions :/

Hoping I wake up to contractions or waters breaking!! Please please please!!! x
sounds good................... hope everythings ok. x

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