4 weeks pregnant


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Please Need some advice. I am 4 weeks pregnant oh and one day !

I called doctors and I am now booked in for this thursday to see midwife, Am i too early to see her ???

Im really scared as this is my first pregnancy , have been taken folic acid and Vitamin D should I take anything else?

Please help im in Glasgow/ East kilbride area.

Oh andits only me and my husband that know and im ready to burst xx
hia and congrats im thinking it is a mini mw visit she wil take ur bp and heigh weight and then will book u an app for ur booking in app for a few weeks or so time, this i think is how they do it in some scotish areas xxx
Hi, CONGRATULATIONS! I went to see my doctor who weighed me and did my blood pressure etc. I don't see the mw until 10 weeks but that little visit also made me feel better as I haven't a clue what to expect as this is also my first. I know what you mean about wanting to tell people though ;) xx
Thanks ladies my first congrats whoo.

Are you taking any vitamins ?

Have some weird pains like period cramp but does not last long is this ok? Xx
crampy af pains are quite normal i still have them on and off drives me nuts lol yes am taking pregnacare xx
I take Centrum Pregnancy care plus as Pregnacare made me feel sick. If you have a balanced diet you should be fine with folic I take the extra due to previous health issues.x
Congratulations Hun im also about 4 weeks. I'm just taking folic acid - as long as you have a balanced diet that's all you need. Not sure how it works in Scotland and think it varies from area to area anyway but with my first I saw doc for blood pressure etc and then had proper MW booking in at about 8 weeks xx

Congrats to you to,

I'm so worried keeping thinking something will go wrong. Every time have small pain in stomach my heart stops arrrr been looking at getting an early scan privately in that worried xx
Im about 15 minutes away from East Kilbride :)
You see your midwife quite early now just to say hi then get a proper booking in appointment xx

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congratulations to you on your pregnancy!

You seem to have it all covered , don't worry about the cramping, theres alot of changing going on in there, its all normal.

enjoy X
Incognito - be careful not to take regular multi vitamins. They MUST be pregnancy ones. Regular ones contain vitamin A which is dangerous to your baby.

I am just takin boots own brand folic acid 400 and vitamin D small dose after pharmacy spoke to me.

I am not best eater but have cut out caffeen and chocolate really trying to eat better.

Have first midwife apt tomoz so hopefully get advIce as all new to this and worrying all the time.

I'm do tired as well x

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