3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

i was fat beforehand lol

ive put on about 20lbs and my consultant just laughed it off and said oh thatll come off no problem! so i feel better about baby weight... now i just need to get rid of the rest so next time im not high risk. I gots some work to do!!

the stuff on your hips looks like bump to me.
Nope it's fat - I've put on just over 2.5 stone!! And what's worse I've put on 3.5 since I got married a year ago!

I was so tiny on our wedding day! 9.5 stone size 8 :( now I'm 13.5 stone size 12 :/
Lovely bumps!

I've not taken a pic of my tummy in a long time now, think I'll get a pic uploaded tomorrow. That way I can see the difference in a few weeks time hehe!
nothing wrong with a size 12! gives hubby something to hold onto.
12 is the smallest id ever want to be.
Ill go to a size 10 after birth I think -

I am quite 'hippy' anyway - i guess will see how I get on and get to a place where I'm comfortable :) that's the main thing for anyone ( that they feel comfortable ) x
Bex your still tiny!! obviously apart from your bump! You might of added a few extra pounds but you are still really slim everywhere else! Your bump is a beauty and I think it has grew loads over the last few weeks :D

Jojo and tetra both of your bumps look as though they have dropped :)
Aww thanks stace- I've def porked out this past few weeks - starting to feel it - was looking at a pic of me at 11 weeks just earlier

Funny as hell!! X
im just happy i dont seem to have any strechmarks yet :) im hoping it means i wont get any
Bumps def disappear you might even miss your bumps!!! I did but after this bump I'm looking forward to a flatter tummy! I hope! X
I've noticed I'm getting back fat now. Put on about 6lbs, but think any muscle I had is long gone!lol
Feeling brave so here's my first bumpy pics!

DSCF2105.jpg 23 weeks
DSCF2312.jpg 29 weeks (today!)
Thank you! Just seen hubby's mess behind me on today's pic!
Aw fab bump mrsP! Lol my bump pics always seem to have a mess behind me!! Xxx
Bumps def disappear you might even miss your bumps!!! I did but after this bump I'm looking forward to a flatter tummy! I hope! X

Soo neat too! You look like you have a long body so carrying it well :-) x x
Bumps def disappear you might even miss your bumps!!! I did but after this bump I'm looking forward to a flatter tummy! I hope! X



Soo neat too! You look like you have a long body so carrying it well :-) x x

Ha thank u! But I'm a shorty! Think bump was having a good day there!


Here's bump dressed!! Mahoosive! Was told the other day I'm going to be the size of a house!!! X
Thought bubs was looking quite cute last night! 33+3

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