3rd miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
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I have just had my 3rd miscarriage in year and a half. This was the longest one where it nearly got to 7 weeks and we even saw the heartbeat. I am so so sad and don’t know how to move on. The way I can describe is numb. I have no feeling about anything else in life. I can’t believe I lost my baby. I am nearly 41 and I think this was it for us. My husband can’t see me go through the heart brake and I can’t go through this. I started to visualise my baby , even the sex and what we would do and everything else. I am sooooo sad :(
Awww god I am so so sorry. I don’t know what to say but I was really hoping it was going to all be fine. Sending all my love. Xxx
I’m so sorry to hear this!! I was really hoping that this would be it for you!

Oh Maximus I’m so sorry to hear this, take care of yourself xx
Thank you for your messages. It’s sooo hard after 3 miscarriages. I am going to 41 soon and my husband has said this is enough and no more trying. He can’t see me go through this anymore. I know he is right but I have no hope now.
Oh Maximus I am so sorry. I really hoped this was it for you. I completely get where your dh is coming from, mine also found the 3rd very difficult. Take care of yourself. Xx
Aw @Maximus17 im so sorry hun. Always here if you want to talk. Be kind to yourselves and take time out to heal if you need it xxx
Maximus I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s just unbearable. Big hugs x
I'm so sorry to hear this Max, look after yourself as much as you can. xx
I'm so sorry. I know how it feels to feel like you can't carry on.
Iv been exactly where you are. I couldn't see me ever going through it again, let alone ever getting to hold a baby of my own.

Iv had 7 in total and I know the pain to well, so my inbox is always open if you just want to vent
I'm so sorry. I know how it feels to feel like you can't carry on.
Iv been exactly where you are. I couldn't see me ever going through it again, let alone ever getting to hold a baby of my own.

Iv had 7 in total and I know the pain to well, so my inbox is always open if you just want to vent
Oh 7 miscarriages. Did you manage to get pregnant and have a baby?
Oh 7 miscarriages. Did you manage to get pregnant and have a baby?
I'm currently 9 weeks away from my 3rd so dreams do come true but I went through a very dark place and I didn't see an end to anything. They found a cause for mine after 4.
I'm currently 9 weeks away from my 3rd so dreams do come true but I went through a very dark place and I didn't see an end to anything. They found a cause for mine after 4.
What was the cause? And how old are you? I will be 41 soon so they told me that most of my eggs are old. So I have very low chance of finding the good ones.
What was the cause? And how old are you? I will be 41 soon so they told me that most of my eggs are old. So I have very low chance of finding the good ones.
I have a balanced location, so a broken chromosome that is attached to a different one. I have the right amount but 2 have the wrong amount so the babies that didn't survive had to much of not enough of a chromosome
I'm 31.
I am sorry to know your story. Have you done any tests? I would recommend seeing a doc, as there are many reasons why a woman might experience pregnancy loss. You can't get pregnant cos of poor sperm or egg quality, or cos genetics is the issue. Once you know what the matter is, you might undergo the proper treatment, such as IVF, IVF with ICSI or PGS NGS. Good luck x

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