3rd Degree Tear

Tinkerbell have they said that you have got to have a c section for the 2nd one.

Consultant told me that if I want anymore that it will be a c section.

I think it may be a while before it gets better. It feels like this morning that I have taken twenty steps back with the pain im in.
I had to go see the consultant and my ds is 18 mths( will be 22 mths when baby due) and she said unless You have problems with bowels then it's less risky to go for a natural birth than a c section. They say they can't guarantee you won't tear again but it doesn't always happen. They think I tore bcoz my ds was born within 40mins of my waters breaking.

They can do a procedure which I believe is a camera and they can see how it's all healed but I think this is a rare thing. Tbh it took me 6mths to be fully comfortable with going to the loo. But try the arnica it worked for me!!
I had a 3rd degree tear and episiotomy.
I had my physio appt 2 week ago tbh it was just a chat to do pelvic floor and asked me loads of questions. I have pain going for number 2's and it feels like glass sometimes. I still get lots of pain down below and I'm still suffering from spd.

I was in theatre atleast 2hrs from what I know. I've got me rectal scan soon too to see how the tear etc has healed. I was told I should never of been allowed to give birth naturally and should of had a section and If ever a next time I'll be monitored and decision took early as to what birth I'd have.
i took arnica the first week after....will def get soe more in i think.some days are much more painful than others.........like now for example, i am very sore but this time last night it was not so bad...

if i knew t was healing well and there would be an end to it, i could put up with the pain...but its the not knowing how its going to turn out and not knowing how long its going to take seems to make the pain worse :(

havng to get my mum to help me bath LO when hubby at work....just feel useless :( xx
i will be having an elective c section next time..or there wouldnt be a next time. i am not going through this again.....xx
i will be having an elective c section next time..or there wouldnt be a next time. i am not going through this again.....xx

Im with you on that.

I even refuse to tell my friends who are due for having there babys anytime now what I went through until after they have given birth as I dont want to scare them. They may have a better time than I did but just to be sure I will talk to them after.

I will have to try the Arnica. Its not helping that I have start my period and wearing a pad is uncomfortable.

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