3rd baby gone today


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Hi girls,

My third little baby went to heaven today after my third D&C. I can't believe I've had 3 now. Is it supposed to feel easier? It was like Groundhog Day, same floor at hospital, same food, same procedure. The doctor was putting a scope in to have a look at my uterus and stuff during the op to see if she could identify anything. She briefly spoke to my husband afterwards and said she could see the mass that was causing the bleeding at opposite side to where the baby was but that's all she said. I've to go back next week for a follow up and to discuss options.

In a way I want her to find something wrong so we can try fix it, I'm going to feel even more worried and frustrated if they don't know why I keep miscarrying.

Has anyone got any advise after 3 miscarriages? I'll do whatever it takes to get my forever baby.

Feel so sad, empty and scared now xxx
i am so sorry for your loss :( you must be very strong. i have no advice but the doctors should do all they can to help now after the third and hopefully you get some answers. i hope you get your rainbow baby soon xxx
hiya hun, sending you lots of love & hugs xx It is scary, It's emotional and hard work and no-one warns you about the mixture of emotions pregnancy and loss brings you go from extreme excitement & hope to extreme sadness and confusion..... the thing that keeps me going is knowing how many people I know have loss after loss and then go on to have healthy and happy pregnancies and as emotional and difficult that journey is I am sure one day for all of us who suffer from loss we will get our happy ending xxxx
Sorry for your loss! Nobody should have to go through this! Xxx
I haven't got any advice Cosmo except never give up hope and let's hope when you go back they can do something to help you sending you lots of love life can be so cruel xxxxxx
Aw hun I'm so sorry to hear this.
Sending big hugs and never give up xx
I am so, so, sorry for your loss. I have no answers, just sympathy as I know exactly how you're feeling. It's never got easier.
I hope you get further investigations now. Never give up- our time will come.
My advice is to grieve and allow yourself time to heal. Be kind to yourself but keep yourself healthy.

When you feel a bit better I would seek recurrent miscarriage testing.

Most importantly - keep the faith, and never stop believing.

My 4th time lucky baby is now almost 16 months, it will happen for you but in the meantime stay well

Sorry you had to go through this again.......

I had 3 losses before this one (currently 36 weeks) and I did do things differently after the miscarriages - but not sure if it helped or just coincidence! I was already taking prenatel vits, but after my last loss I started taking extra folic acid on top of that, and extra vit D and low dose aspirin! 5 cycles after last mc I got my bfp with this bubs.
I am so sorry Cosmo, I know too well the anxiety, frustration, extreme sadness and despair after 3 miscarriages. It is a scary time. I have felt very worried and I still am of course but I feel better since having my RMC results, I would ask for those as soon as you're ready and for now, cry when you need to, rest up and do whatever you need to do to get through this tough time. Sending virtual love and hugs your way xx
So sorry hun this happened again, thinking of you xx
Huge hugs Cosmo. Sorry you had to go through this again xx
I don't have answers for you, but am very sorry to hear about your loss. I hope the docs can get you the answers you are looking for.
I'm so sorry to read this :(

Look after yourself, take time to heal, hugs xxx
Big hugs to you, I have had 2 MMC and would love a baby with my OH, it can be a very tough road and it's sometimes hard to stay positive but keep strong and take care of yourself. As I lost non identical twins last time they did all the tests for recurrent MC but all results came back clear but I would really recommend you get them all done. Also privately my husband got his sperm checked for count , mobility etc plus we also are getting it checked for DNA fragmentation (hadn't heard of this before they send to Holland for testing) the girl in the clinic suggested the 2nd test for him as we got pregnant easily, his first set of results came back & his sperm count, motility, mobility etc is great, we get the other results next week, it would show if his sperm had broken DNA which might cause a chromosonal problem in the baby and result in a MMC, it sounds a bit scary but the girl said the broken DNA can sometimes be fixed, my OH is a motorbike instructor so the long periods of sitting/ heat might damage DNA. At this point we're willing to check everything. X
Hi Cosmo, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I'm in tears as I know how you feel.

All I can say is try to be strong (I know it's much easier said than done though)

Love to you all.. and your Angel babies too xxxxxx
I am so sorry to hear your going through this heartache for the 3rd time. Take time to grieve and look after yourself. I hope you get some answers at your follow up appointment. You will get your rainbow baby, don't give up.
Sending you lots of love and hugs

Michelle x
I'm so sad to read this :-( I've had three in a row and it doesn't get easier, if anything it gets more frustrating! Make sure you really push for answers as I'm sure you will.
Sending you hugs xxx

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